Sacramento Valley Regional ARES News Archive
2m repeater on Mt. Mitchell [NC] that’s communicating with the EOC just north of here….the only way radio traffic is getting in and out of the mountains is via amateur radio. Pretty powerful to hear some of these communications.
W4HTP 145.350 Repeater (
The Sierra Foothills Amateur Radio Club is doing an event on August 11th @ 7PM open to all called Hot RF Nights. Hot RF Nights is a chance to show off mobile rig installs and/or go kits and build fellowship among Northern California amateur radio operators and groups. There is no cost for the event.
We’ll have great prizes (all attendees get a ticket for the drawing), ice cream floats ($5), and free waters for all. Would your organization be willing to come out with ARES or emergency communication equipment? We've had confirmation from a few mutual aide agencies such as Alameda County Sherriff Communications RACES group and others and we'd love to have you involved.
Modoc ARES EC Adds Echo Link Net
Chad L. SV ARES District 1 and Modoc County EC has added an Echo Link Net Saturday 1pm and Monday at 5pm. The node is ab6cl-L # 4152. If you search ab6cl you will find the link. Please add him and stop by to say hi.
Amateur Radio Operators needed. If you are available Sunday, December 4th, Sacramento County ARES would love for you to help with the marathon. You do NOT need to be an ARES member. If you can help go to and sign up. Thank you in advance.
El Dorado amateur radio club 220 net
For all Ham Radio Operators, from The El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club:
In honor of the recently-activated 220MHz EDCARC 220 MHz Repeater, please join us tomorrow, Monday, for the "220 Use It Or Lose It Net!"
Your new Monday Night Net, Mondays @ 8PM PST, with your host J.R., K6LBP
ALL ARE WELCOME... 224.060 MHz (- offset) (pl 127.3)
Guaranteed Not Like Any Other Net... News, Sports, World Events, Insightful Drama!! (OK, maybe just radio stuff, but still, not your average Net!)
Repeater coverage should reach well past Stockton to the south and north of Marysville. There's a good chance it can even be heard in the East Bay as well. The Group would be interested in hearing how far the signal reaches.
Hope to Hear You There!! (If we see you there, you're probably too close!)
National Weather Service Sacramento CA
114 PM PDT Fri Oct 21 2022
Northern Sacramento Valley to Southern Tehama County Line Below
1000 Ft-
Central Sacramento Valley in Glenn, Colusa, Yuba, Northern
Sutter, and Butte County Below 1000 Ft-
Southern Sacramento Valley in Yolo-
Sacramento Far Western Placer, southern Sutter and Solano County
Below 1000 Ft-Carquinez Strait and Delta-
Northern San Joaquin Valley in San Joaquin and Stanislaus
Counties Below 1000 ft-
114 PM PDT Fri Oct 21 2022
215,216,217,218 AND 219...
The National Weather Service in Sacramento has issued a Fire
Weather Watch for gusty winds and low humidity, which is in
effect from Sunday afternoon through Sunday evening.
* Winds...Northerly wind 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 30 to 35
* Humidity...Minimum humidities of 15 to 25 percent.
* Highest Threat...The strongest winds will be over the west side
of the Sacramento and northern San Joaquin Valleys.
* Impacts...Although humidity values are higher than critical
thresholds, winds and fuels will allow any fires that develop to
spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended.
A Fire Weather Watch means that critical fire weather conditions
are forecast to occur. Listen for later forecasts and possible
Red Flag Warnings.
$$ 10/21/2022
This firm reached out to me asking if we wanted to post this story. I looked at it and like. I was allowed to post free of charge. Thank you to Thomas Hall, PR director and the members of Cutter Law Firm.
A full suite of CalFire GIS Products re: Oak Fire is available for Public use at:!CALFIRE/!2022_Incidents/CA-MMU-016146_Oak/GIS/Products/20220724/ 7/24/2022
Cal Fire has updated information Oak Fire Incident 7/23/2022
Oak fire information Map. 7/23/2022
From the Amador County Sheriff's Office
Cal-Fire has expanded the mandatory evacuation and evacuation warning zones. The pictured map displays the updated mandatory evacuation zone in red and the evacuation warning area in yellow. 7/5/2022
New El Dorado EC
On recommendation of El Dorado County EC Jay Harmor, who is stepping down, Michael Sumersill has been appointed El Dorado County Emergency Coordinator. Please help me in welcoming Michael. I would so like to thank Jay for his service..
On May 3 at 7:30 pm PDT, Winlink author and developer Oliver Dully,
K6OLI, will present a Zoom session about Winlink, a network of amateur
radio and authorized government stations that provide worldwide email
via radio. The Winlink network extends global messaging capability to
HF and VHF operators anywhere, even in the absence of internet access,
and is ideally suited for routine and Emergency Communications (EmComm)
message traffic.
This presentation hosted by the River City ARCS is targeted to all radio
amateurs in our section and Northern California who are interested in
data messaging for ARES and other EmComm and community support.
Zoom session log on information is below.
Topic: RCARCS May 2022 Meeting - Winlink Global Radio Email
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 873 5316 5999
Passcode: 510760
Oliver Dully K6OLI from the Winlink Development Team, introduced Mapping in Winlink. Mapping allows Winlink stations to leverage messages into visual data, greatly enhancing situational awareness before, during and after exercises and disasters.
Winlink Mapping – Leveraging Situational Awareness with Winlink 2/23/2022
Michael Joseph KK6ZGB, has appointed the Sacramento Valley Section as the ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator
Effective February 1, 2022, Michael Joseph KK6ZGB, will be appointed the Sacramento Valley Section as the ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator position.
Michael has a strong background in emergency communications. He has worked in law enforcement, with the Red Cross, and the Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps. He has also served as the ARRL District 3 EC working closely with multiple counties.
Many of you may already know Michael and have talked and interacted with him in the past few years. He has been working the Red Cross radio station during the major fires that we have experienced. He has handled this position admirably tracking teams and resources.
Winlink has been upgraded with several new features and form templates.
One exciting new feature is the integration of GIS forms.
GIS -Geographic information System
A GIS system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data. GIS connects data to a map, integrating location data (where things are) with all types of descriptive information (what things are like there).
Timely situation reports, weather reports, and other status reports are essential for incident management.
Often reports come from no-Internet locations. Winlink supports a number of forms that provide
position reports for mapping and data for CSV spreadsheet files.
When received at the incident management center, Winlink Express can display a map showing status
markers for reports, and it can generate a .csv spreadsheet data file with information from reports.
GIS forms in the Standard Library
Hospital Bed Report
Hurricane Report
LAX Bed Availability Report - HSA
Local Weather Report
Severe WX Report
SHARES Spotrep-2
Winlink Check In
Winlink Check Out
Ventura County ARES had a presentation on the new Winlink mapping capabilities.
VC ARES/ACS meeting video. Good examples of Winlink mapping in action. 1/18/2022
Ready for the Shake Out exercise October 21?
To get a sense of how radio can respond in an earthquake, listen to these actual recordings.
Link to four audio files that I recorded just after the Loma Prieta Earthquake. Hear damage reports being called into the W6ASH (SPECS) Ham Repeater's Net Control station. Hear the excitement and fear as aftershocks happen during the net. Excuse the open microphone, it's all I could do at the time.
Here are some of my post event notes.
I started the tape about 10 minutes after the main event. Seconds before I pushed record, we had a Mag 5x aftershock. If you listen closely, you can hear my neighbor's alarm sounding in the background. There were several more aftershocks that happened during the taping. One knocked my phone off the hook. You can hear the alert beeps. One aftershock interrupted the net due to net control having to leave the Sunnyvale Fire Station he was in. I pulled out my generator at dusk and we had the whole neighborhood at our house watching the news. We were without PG&E Power for 3 days after the event! The night of the quake around 11:00pm, I was called to open a Red Cross Shelter at the Senior Center in Mountain View. I checked people in all night, but in the morning the city condemned the building due to damage. We moved the shelter to the Rengstorff Park Recreation Center where I finished my shift.
Hope you enjoy the audio files, '73 Eric N6OIM See Less 10/17/2021
The Communications Unit materials below were developed to support the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's Communications Unit training program. 9/12/2021
Caldor Fire In El Dorado County, ham radio operators are using their skills and communications gear to assist deputies in the search for Caldor Fire evacuees. 8/21/2021
Thursday, July 15, RATPAC Zoom Presentation
Starts 9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CDT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST
Speaker/Presenter: Oliver Dully, K6OLI
Please Join Thursday's Zoom Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: THURSDAY
Tracking California Fires
- California Fire Map & Tracker interactive map of wildfires burning across the Bay Area and California. Read up on what you need to know about California fire season in 2021.
- # Fire Mappers by NAPSG 7/1/2021
David W. Ohara KB7DWO appointed as new Alpine County Emergency Coordinator
A big welcome David W. Ohara KB7DWO,, as the new Alpine County Emergency Coordinator.
David will be taking over for Shelia Clement, KA7AJQ who has served as EC for Alpine and Douglas County for many years.
Shelia will continue to serve as an AEC. Thank you Shelia for your years of excellent leadership.
Brad Stewart, KM6RIW, appointed as new Placer County Emergency Coordinator
Please welcome Brad Stewart, KM6RIW,, as the new Placer County Emergency Coordinator.
Brad will be taking over for Carl First, N6CKV who is moving out of the county.
Carl has done a terrific job as Placer EC and as the District 5 Emergency Coordinator.
THANK YOU Carl. Good luck with the move.
All twelve of this weekend’s CommAcademy 2021 Presentations are publicly available on YouTube.
CommAcademy itself is produced using ICS Management, one of the presentations is about how that works. 4/11/2021
This NVIS "ping" site is Pt. Arguello (Vandenberg AFB), the nearest to us. It's updates every 15 minutes
This can assist in determining the state of the ionosphere and selecting the optimum frequencies for HF radio communication.
Some forms due to limited or local use have been removed from the Auto-update process of Standard Templates. However, they are still available for individual download and manual installation into your Global > Templates directory.
Go here to read more, and download! 3/22/2021
Information for the California Gold Country Region Red Cross Exercise March 27, 2021
Download the Exercise plan, the ICS-205, and sample file to send to Red Cross headquarters via winlink
Paul Grose, N6DRY, SK
We are sad to announce that long time River City ARCS member Paul Grose, N6DRY, passed away peacefully while having lunch with his wife Jeff at Camden Springs Senior Living in Elk Grove around 1:00 pm on Monday, March 15, 2021. Paul was a River City ARCS club member, Elmer, board member and treasurer for many years and the 2011 recipient of the club's Lyle Aufranc Memorial Award. Paul was active in our 2 meter and SSTV nets, homebrewing and in Sacramento ARES with packet and WinLink.
Condolences may be sent to his wife Jeff Grose at Camden Springs Senior Living, 8476 Sheldon Rd Apt 126, Elk Grove, CA 95624
The date and place of a future memorial service are to be announced.
The video presentation on working net control hits all the key points of being net control. The info is a GOOD refresher for ALL ARES members.
More info on NALCO here: info on BeCERTAINN here: 3/8/2021
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) published an article in Eos by USGS an ARES LAX Northeast on how amateur radio operators can help fill the information donut hole by providing DYFI reports via Winlink.
The full article is available here: We would like to thank the USGS, the Winlink Development Team, ARES LAX and our partner ARES groups throughout the United States whose work and dedication is making this collaboration a success!
What: Comm Academy 2021
When: April 10-11, 2021
-- Your opportunity to learn how emergency communications and amateur radio operate in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, i.e Washington State and neighboring areas.
Schedule of talks: is completely free, but you must register to gain access to the full event schedule and presentation materials.
For more information visit: thanks to Craig KJ6IJJ for sharing the information!
Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee (RATPAC)
Zoom Meeting Thursday December 10, 6:30pm
Topic: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Speakers: DR. Gordon Gibby, KX4Z and DR. Robert Patton, W4PG
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: HIPAA
This should be good information for emergency communicators.
The Standard templates library has been updated.
View a PDF catalog of the wide array of Winlink templates available in the Winlink Standard Templates library as of November 3 2020. The PDF lists the templates and show an image of the initial pages
A short guide on how to use the new "Did You Feel It?" (DYFI) Earthquake Intensity reporting form on Winlink by Oliver K6OLI
Winlink users can send EXERCISE message to report for exercises for the Great ShakeoUt drill 10/11/2020
A map of hams in your area. Pretty nifty!
You can enter a call sign or grid square. 10/9/2020
Neil Bossard, N6CNY, Appointed as Yuba-Sutter Emergency Coordinator
Please welcome Neil Bossard, N6CNY, as the new Yuba-Sutter EC.
Neil has stepped up to take over the Emergency Coordinator position held by Andy Boone for the past several years.
Thank you Andy for all of your work and leadership.
Neil Bossard, N6CNY
1. Current Cal Fire incident map NASA Firms map;@0.0,0.0,3z 3. InciWeb map National Interagency Fire Center map Google crisis map 6. #FireMappers early notification map 7. Air quality/smoke map another map Wind pattern map 9/27/2020
Thanks to Bob Hawkins, KM6BXZ, here is another very interesting map as it allows you to turn on historical fire information.
Bob Noted it is not a perfect map as it is missing the perimeter for the Plumas fires - not sure if that is a glitch for today as I just got the link this morning 9/16/2020
Topic: WK6 - Winlink Advance Questions/Answers Zoom meeting 6PM 9/3/20
Speaker: Phil Sherrod, W4PHS Phil is part of the WInlink Developement Team and will be accompanied by others.
Thursday's meeting will be OPEN for all to attend. Please feel free to invite others.
This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded.
Please change your display name to Your FirstName, CallSign and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho
č Changing Your Display Name in Zoom
Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
To be fair to everyone, there will be a three minute limit for each person during Q & A
You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
WK5 Winlink Workshop VARA HF-VHF Presentation
Learn about VARA and how it works with Winlink for digita communications. 8/24/2020
An Interactive wind map that show fire zones
Thank you Mikhael Brown, W6PE,37.335,-119.685,5,i:pressure 8/20/2020
This ICS 205 will be used by American Red Cross for the Fires in the Sacramento Region August 2020
Google earth kml overlay show fires in Google Earth
If you have Google Earth, add this as a layer: 8/19/2020
This map is using dynamic sources of data and is meant to provide a general awareness of wildfire activity for people who are familiar with wildland firefighting data.
Network for Lightning and Thunderstorms in Real Time
Click on the Real Time map to see location of current lightening Strikes
Recommend links for Winlink operators
Links to the excellent zoom meetings on using Winlink by Oliver Dulley
WLK1 – Winlink Basics: Initial Setup and Basic Operation Workshop
Viewing: - Winlink Basics: Peer-2-Peer Operations; VARA FM and UZ7HO on VHF Operation Workshop
Viewing: h
ttps:// - Winlink Advanced: Gateways; VHF and HF OperationsOperation Workshop
Viewing: 8/12/2020
Winlink Workshop Video
Oliver Dully, K6OLI, gave an a very good introduction to Winlink and kick off to the a Winlink Workshop series.
View video: 7/24/2020
Filling in the USGS 'Donut Hole'
USGS had a Donut Hole problem...How could the USGS figure out how to get people close to the center of an earthquake to report what they feel? Put another way: how could they identify a group of civilians who are spread around the world and who have training and an interest in sending emergency reports and have the equipment to do so even when power and phone service goes down? Wald, and his colleague, Vincent Quitoriano, were frustrated with no solution in sight when a remarkable thing happened. They received an email from a Ham.
Oliver Dully, K6OLI, lives in Pasadena, California. In late May, 2020, after a minor earthquake nearby, he wondered if anybody at the USGS knew about Ham radio and the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, with deep knowledge, great communication equipment, and a strong desire to help in times of crisis. He sent a blind email to the USGS that happened to arrive precisely when it was most needed. Quite quickly, he was on a video chat with Wald and Quitoriano. The USGS team knew a tiny bit about Amateur radio, had seen Hams help out during earthquakes. But they had not, before Dully’s note, thought of them as the obvious solution to the Donut Hole problem. 7/22/2020
During large disaster responses the Red Cross May need to open shelters, the operations Center, distribution centers and assist in a new location called a Temporary Evacuation Point (TEP). The California Gold Country Region will be asking for Amateur Radio support in many of these locations.
Read more.. 7/14/2020
An excellent presentation by Oliver K6OLI did on the Section Emergency Managers meeting on the Did You Feel It Winlink Template the Winlink Development Team wrote for USGS. 7/10/2020
Jay Ballinger N6SAC, is the new Emergency Coordinator for Sacramento County ARES.
To help you associate a face with a callsign, here is a video as an introduction: 7/1/2020
Disaster Communications Exercise 5 May 2020 After Action Report
Jim Piper, N6MED, Red Cross Liaison has posted the May 5th Red Cross - ARES After Action Report. Thank you to all who participated. 6/10/2020
SEC-ARRL Zoom meeting May 7, 2020
Topic: Winlink Forms; using and creating Winlink forms. Presented by Mike Burton, N6KZB, the Winlink Development Team Forms Manager.
Recording of Zoom Meeting: 5/8/2020
The Standard templates library has been updated.
View a PDF catalog of the wide array of Winlink templates available in the Winlink Standard Templates library as of May 1 2020. The PDF lists the templates and show an image of the initial pages
Michael Joseph, KK6ZGB, has been appointed as Sacramento Valley Section Public Information Coordinator/Officer. He is here to help make the Sacramento Valley Section’s clubs and Emergency Communications groups visible to the general public. Read hi intro... 4/25/2020
WaveTalkers- A Ham Test Study Tool
by Chris Mattia – W6AH Mattia – W6AH who developed this web site discusses it HamRadioNow. site has some really nice features
CERT Neighborhood Evacuation Team (NET)
A presentation by Mr. Dan Vasquez of the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services (OES) explaining the roll-out of the CERT Neighborhood Evacuation Team (NET) program throughout San Diego County, here is the link to the recorded meeting: The video covers the presentation and runs through a good Q&A session with dual-hatted ARES/CERT members.
Radio For The Rest of Us Webinar
Apr 14, 2020 - 05:30 PM
Alan Thompson will present an online Zoom webinar for the Oak Hills Area Fire Safe Council More info at 4/2/2020
Weather Channel tracks corona virus can type in your city to see the counts of cases
Community and “Prepper” Communications
By James Wades,
National Emergency Communications Coordinator, Radio Relay International
With the COVID-19 pandemic in its early stages, we are receiving occasional inquiries from "preppers" with questions about emergency communications preparedness. In an effort to answer questions such as "how could we communicate if cellular mobile data networks are unavailable," we are providing a link to a basic, non-technical article covering emergency communications preparedness for preppers and local community organizations: 3/22/2020
Expand you Emergency Radio skills while sheltering in Place
A great suggestion from the Oliver K6OLO, District Emergency Coordinator ARES LAX Northeast District
As many of us are working from home or are spending more time at home here are a number of online courses you may take to expand your skills as emergency radio operators.
Basic (read: must have)
Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100IS-200.c
Basic Incident Command System for Initial ResponseIS-700.b
An Introduction to the National Incident Management SystemIS-800.c
National Response Framework, an IntroductionARRL
EC-001 I
ntroduction to Emergency Communication (guided and self-study options available)Advanced (read: nice to have)
An Introduction to ExercisesIS-230.d
Fundamentals of Emergency ManagementIS-235.c
Emergency PlanningIS-240.b
Leadership & InfluenceIS-241.b
Decision Making & Problem SolvingIS-242.b
Effective CommunicationsIS-244.b
Developing & Managing VolunteersIS-288.a
Role of Voluntary Organizations in Emergency Mgt. IS-2200
Basic Emergency Operations Center FunctionsYou might also take a look at IS-520:
Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic InfluenzasARRL
Public Service and Emergency Communication Management for Radio AmateursPR-101
Public Relations 101 for Radio Amateurs 3/19/2020
The HamRadioTesting YouTube channel has three free main course offerings on YouTube, one for each ham exam.
The Tech Exam Playlist (07-01-2018 to 06-30-2022 Question Pool) General Exam Playlist (07-01-2019 to 06-30-2023 Question Pool) Amateur Extra Exam Playlist (07-01-2020 to 06-30-2024 Question Pool) for the new question pool for the Amateur Extra Test that comes out in July. 3/16/2020
Excellent getting started Winlink training videos
From San Diego ARES - Winlink series videos to help Winlink learners navigate Winlink Express software.
There are 23 Videos including:
0.0a How to download and install Winlink Express
0.0b How to test your Winlink email account
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the U.S.
The page will be updated regularly at noon Mondays through Fridays. web site for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Governor Newsom Declares State of Emergency to Help State Prepare for Broader Spread of COVID-19
Emergency proclamation builds on work already underway across state government to protect public health and safety Proclamation includes increased protections against price gouging, offers more assistance to local governments and allows health care workers to come from out of state All levels of state government are being deployed to tackle this evolving situation SACRAMENTO – […] 3/4/2020
An interactive map from Johns Hopkins University gives a clear picture of COVID-19 coronavirus cases around the world.
The Center for Systems Science and Engineering posted the map online, showing the number of confirmed cases by country and region.
An Unbreakable Code
The Navajo Code Talkers used native languages to send military messages before World War II. Choctaw, for example, was successfully used during World War I. But the Marine Corps needed an “unbreakable” code for its island-hopping campaign in the Pacific. Navajo, which was unwritten and known by few outside the tribe, seemed to fit the Corps’ requirements. 3/3/2020
A Flu Pandemic training module designed specifically for CERT Members is avaiable. The training was developed by Contra Costa Health Services under a grant by the California Department of Public Health, Pandemic Planning and Response Section of the Immunization Branch which recognized the valuable role CERT could provide before, during, and after a pandemic.
Carl First N6CKV appointed as DEC 5
\Carl First N6CKV will assume the DEC 5 position effective 01 MAR. He will continue to work as the EC for Placer County.Carl will be working with these counties: Placer, El Dorado, Amador, and Alpine.
Ralph Lucas W6RWL is resigning his appointment as he prepares to move to Nevada.Thanks for your past service as DEC 5.
Thank you Ralph for all of your great work for many years. You have been very instrumental in promoting amateur radio. Also thank you for your work on the Tevis and the Western States Endurance run. Ham radio makes a difference.
Grass Roots Radio Solves Rural NorCal Community’s Disaster Communication Quandary
Residents living in one rural Northern California community were tired of feeling helpless during recent wildfires and public safety power shutoffs.
... Their solution was GMRS: General Mobile Radio Service.
News from Cal OES 2/27/2020
The American Red Cross Gold Coast Region has updated some of their plans and includes a zip file that will let you deploy Flmsg with the Red Cross forms on a flash drive.
New FEMA PrepTalk: Left in the Dark: Power Outages in an Interconnected World 2/13/2020
Amateur radio enthusiasts have proved themselves useful during the recent bushfires after traditional telecommunication channels broke down. 2/3/2020
Potentially great opportunity for Ham radio operators and CERT Groups
Could your elderly friend evacuate in 15 minutes?
This week, San Diego County OES kicks off a new program to assist members of the public who might need help executing an urgent evacuation. The new Neighborhood Evacuation Team (NET) program pairs CERT members with older adults, people with disabilities, and people with access & functional needs. CERT members are pre-screened, disaster-trained, and live in the neighborhood, so they are in a good position to help not only during evacuations, but also to coach people before the disaster occurs.
People who reach out for assistance will be teamed up with a CERT member who can guide them through the process of making a plan that suits their needs, including working out transportation needs with a caregiver, neighbor or family member.
To learn more about the services offered through the NET program or to be connected with a NET member in your area, please email or call 858-565-3490.
NET team info at: Full story: 1/23/2020
First Responder Access and Functional Needs Training Series information for everyone in an emergency.
The County of San Diego Office of Emergency Services produced a series of training videos aimed at providing first responders with helpful information to consider when evacuating individuals with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities. In total, 8 videos that are each 8-10 minutes in length are available. A supplemental handout highlighting important talking points from each video is also available.
Training Series
- Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Loss
- Autism
- Blind & Low Vision
- Chronic Illness
- Cognitive Disabilities
- Deaf & Hard of Hearing
- Mental Illness
- Physical Disabilities
Slide deck From Jim Piper's, N6MED, American Red Cross California Gold Coast Region presentation to Sacramento County ARES January 22, 2020.
"A High and Awful Price: Lessons Learned from the Camp Fire" is a mini-documentary taken from our interviews with first responders, disaster response officials and the survivors of the Camp Fire, passing on our hard won knowledge to those who may someday face their own disaster.
This was made in connection with Butte County and is meant as a clear, simple explanation of the causes, effects and responses to a disaster as complex, overwhelming and devastating as the Camp Fire–while also communicating the most important lesson: You are not helpless and there is something you can do in the face of danger. 1/1/2020
The December, 2019 issue of the QNI Newsletter is now available at: is a very good article about Winlink
"The War on Winlink" By James Wades (WB8SIW)
The American Red Cross Gold Coast Region has updated some of their plans and now includes a zip file that will let you deploy Flmsg with the Red Cross forms on a flash drive. 12/17/2019
The Mountain Democrat, just recently published a story on the front page of their December 09 edition about the efforts by our El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club (EDCARC) to introduce local GMRS "Radio For The Rest of Us" safety programs in some of our area's Fire Safe Councils: El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club
Best Regards,
Alan Thompson - W6WN
SIGNALINK - Packet Radio-Winlink with UZ7HO software
Latest version of the how-to PDF 12/4/2019
Frequently asked questions as of Dec 1 2019. 12/4/2019
ARRL’s EC-001-S online “Introduction to Emergency Communication” course is now available to students in an on-demand format, allowing students to register for the course and begin work at any time. This course is designed to provide basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer. 11/21/2019
Busy month for SV ARES: multiple Nets for the PSPS, presentations, Repeater repairs and upgrades.
1,807.33 volunteer hours this month- Thank you for all of your work.
Alan Thompson's Camp Fire Presentation Phones, Fire, and failures
Excellent presentation.
PDF version videos your group is interested in having Alan give the presentation your you group contac5:
Alan Thompson
Alan (- at -) W6WN dot com
Check the FCC web site for cell site outage, Status Report for Areas Impacted by California Public Safety Power Shutoffs October 27, 2019
WOW! Think your cell phone will work?
Cell sites out of service due to the power shutoffs: 2.4%
Marin county has 49.6% of its cell sites out of service. 10/27/2019
The ShakeAlert system is coming to phones across the state on Thursday through the MyShake app, in line with the 30th anniversary of the devastating Loma Prieta earthquake. Alerts for earthquakes like the 4.5 magnitude tremor in Pleasant Hill on Monday will be at users’ fingertips no matter where they are. 10/17/2019
Thursday, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services will unveil an app created by UC Berkeley that will give all Californians who download it on iOS and Android phones the chance to get earthquake early warnings from any corner of the state. 10/16/2019
From ARRL: Report Causes Concern and Confusion in California’s Amateur Radio Ranks all credible and reliable accounts, the State of California has not turned its back on Amateur Radio as an emergency communication resource nor have established repeater owners been asked to remove their equipment from state-owned sites unless they pay sizeable fees. ...
The Standard templates library has been updated.
View a PDF catalog of the wide array of Winlink templates available in the Winlink Standard Templates library as of October 8 2019. The PDF lists the templates and show an image of the initial pages
HRN 414: There Is No Such Thing As Free Rack Space!
David Goldenberg W0DHG and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC discuss this week's BIG California ham radio story. Was the repeater kicked out of the CalFire vault, or did the state just decide that it needed to be "official"....
Comments re California repeaters and CalFire Jim Aspinwall
Heads-up related to a California/ham radio video we do not need to have shared here...
That said - amateur radio is NOT dead in California, "the State" is NOT trying to kill it off, no one in any agency with a relationship to ham radio is against it. Simply, tax payer dollars are just not available to pay for everyone's/anyone's repeater site. That is all.
Following Public Safety Power Shutoff Tuesday and Wednesday, three fires in Nevada County were caused by generators. 9/29/2019
When people think of information sources today, they automatically jump to social media and maybe TV. Radio typically doesn’t come up to the top of the stack. This is unfortunate because radio is a homeland security resource that plays a key role in communicating and informing citizens during emergencies and times of disaster. 9/26/2019
From the SFChronicle
California wildfires: Cell companies can't promise indefinite service a wildfire breaks out, your cell phone service may not work when you most need it.
Most cell stations in California have backup options, like batteries and generators. However, some major cell phone carriers told the Federal Communications Commission in filings this week that if physical access to cell towers is cut off, they can’t guarantee service.
Backup power options “are not effective for mitigating the disruption to wireless communications when our facilities are damaged by fire,” AT&T told the FCC...
Potential PSPS event Monday evening until Tuesday morning
The potential Public Safety Power Shutoff could affect about 124,000 customers in the following communities:
Butte county: 22,920 (including 1,775 medical baseline customers)
EL Dorado county: 3,640 (including 184 medical baseline customers)
Lake county: 12,840 (including 796 medical baseline customers)
Napa county: 10,500 (including 228 medical baseline customers)
Nevada county: 12,950 (including 642 medical baseline customers)
Placer county: 22,180 (including 932 medical baseline customers)
Sonoma county: 33,500 (including 1,043 medical baseline customers)
Sutter county: 230 (including 4 medical baseline customers)
Yuba county: 5,240 (including 333 medical baseline customers)
Potential PSPS outage map. 9/22/2019
Some info on Winlink use from the Bahamas was used to facilitate communications as a primary means when local infrastructure was affected or as a ready back up.
Numerous ARES RACES and other groups used Winlink on VHF and HF to send a large number of messages.
Shares was in high operation and also carried significant HF traffic.
In addition the new ITU gateways, most notably HI8COE, are handling traffic from the Bahamas.
- Shelters in operation passed ICS213's for requests and status reports.
- ICS 205
- Spot Rep Reports
- ICS 214
- Hurricane and Severe Weather reports.
- RRI Radiograms
- Many were simple plain text messages.
- Boaters requests via the catalog system in Express was also high.
PG&E weather awareness Weather Daily forecasts
If weather forecasts indicate gusty winds and dry conditions, combined with a heightened fire risk, it may be necessary for us to turn off the electricity serving that area - Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS).
Instructions on installing this custom template
NorCal Winlink Check in Template 8/18/2019
Amador ARES will have a HamCram August 31, 2019
Contact Don Kirkpatrick
ALERTWildfire is a consortium of three universities -- The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), University of California San Diego (UCSD), and the University of Oregon (UO) -- providing access to state-of-the-art fire cameras and associated tools to help firefighters and first responders
Poke around to see other areas in CA. 8/16/2019
Butte County ARES EC
BCARES assisted Butte County Sheriff Comm Reserve with GMRS mapping of Mt Ida community. The community had ask for a backup plan for emergency communication.
Hundreds of small communities face a greater risk from wildfire than Paradise, California
Pamela Ren Larson and Dennis Wagner of the Arizona Republic studied nearly 5,000 small communities around the West to find out how how many of them are facing large-scale wildfire risk similar to Paradise, California.
Search for your community. 7/25/2019
JIm Piper, American Red Cross Gold Coast Region Liaison to Aamateur Radio has released several files to facilitate supporting Red Cross operations.
Links to:
Communications Disaster Response Plan 7-4-19.pdf
ICS205 Region Amateur Radio Repeaters for Disaster Response 7-5-19.pdf
Communications Ham Operation Procedures 7-5-19.pdf
ARC Disaster Message Traffic and flmsg.pdf
A few photos from the Yolo Amateur Radio Society/Mt. Vaca Radio Club (YARS/MVRC), Yolo County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (Yolo ARES) Sacramento Amateur Radio Club (SARC) and the UC Davis Amateur Radio Communications (UCDARC) field day exercise at UC Davis.
In alert from the NWS you often see something like FIRE WEATHER ZONES 213, 215, 216, 217..
The PDF lists the zones and areas for CA
Also maps available at: you Michael KK6ZGB for compiling this
The Winlink FAQ in PDF format has been updated by its author, Don Felgenhauer, K7BFL
Revised June 12, 2019.
Don provides answers to questions discussed on the Winlink email reflectors by users, developers and sysops.
This 100+ page document is well written and organized for easy consumption. 6/12/2019
PG&E warns tens of thousands it may shut off power amid fire risk may shut off power to tens of thousands of people this weekend as part of its Public Safety Power Shutoff program to reduce the risks of wildfires.
The National Weather Service issued Red Flag Warnings on Friday for the parts of the Central Valley and North Bay Area, leading PG&E to consider the shutoffs.
Napa County: Portions of Napa, Lake Berryessa
Solano County: Portions of Suisun City, Vacaville, Winters
Yolo County: Portions of Davis, Winters
For the Sierra foothills, PG&E warns that the power could be shut off to about 21,000 customers starting around 9 p.m. Saturday with the peak period of fire risk lasting until 10 a.m. Sunday.
Areas where power might be shut off:
Butte County: Portions of Paradise, Oroville, Bangor, Forest Ranch, Chico, Berry Creek, Palermo
Yuba County: Portions of Browns Valley, Oregon House, Marysville, Wheatland, Rackerby
Nevada County: Portions of Auburn, Grass Valley, Smartville, Rough and Ready, Penn Valley
El Dorado County: Portions of Pilot Hill, Greenwood
VICE on HBO: The Deadliest Wildfire in California History
VICE News has produced a very good segment about the Camp Fire, which burned over 153,000 acres, destroyed 18,804 structures, and resulted in 85 fatalities in November, 2018. It became the most destructive and deadliest wildfire in the recorded history of California.
You can view the segment on the web page. 6/5/2019
Cell phones useless amid wildfire: Camp Fire failure prompts call for statewide action
Failure of wireless communications is preventable, says CPUC office 6/5/2019
Interesting After Action Report from ARRL
Well worth reading and getting ARRL's perspective 5/26/2019
New Sacramento Valley Section ARES appointments
Congratulations to:
Michael A. Ellithorp, KF6OBI appointed as District 2 Emergency Coordinator
Robert Cobb, K6JBH appointed as Lassen County Emergency Coordinator
Thank you for your dedication and support of ARES
Fire danger could force SF blackout, PG&E says
High-voltage power transmission lines owned by PG&E, could be shut off during severe wildfire danger, cutting power to the surrounding areas... 5/19/2019
PG&E Community Wildfire Safety Program
Public Safety Power Shutoff Criteria
- A RED FLAG WARNING declared by the National Weather Service
Predicted SIGNIFICANT FIRE POTENTIAL for California the Northern California Geographic Area Coordination Center 5/11/2019
“Inside the Megafire,”
premiering Wednesday, May 8 at 9pm ET/8c and streaming online at PBS
In this episode, NOVA reports from the front line of the Camp Fire, the deadliest wildfire in California history, and follows scientists racing to understand what’s behind the recent rise in record-breaking megafires—from forestry practices, to climate change, to the physics of fire itself. 5/8/2019
Ohio ARES Conference 2016: TALK ABOUT HIPAA and PHI video is well worth watching by ALL ARES members
2019 Ohio ARES Conference April 06, 2019 link has a series of videos of the talks they had
- Opening Session & the NEW ARES
- Solar Power & Amateur Radio
- 3rd Party Traffic and Handling Messages
- Paperwork, all those new forms from FEMA
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) – Most of the country can expect a normal wildfire season but residents along the West Coast of the United States should be ready for another busy season, the National Interagency Fire Center said Wednesday...
The Boise, Idaho-based center said a heavy crop of grasses and fine fuels has developed across California and should elevate fire potential as it dries through the summer 5/1/2019
ARESConnect was recently asked if a Task Book was a requirement?
Many sections already use this or a similar Task Book to help members track their training.
The PDF and a MS Word versions are posted here 4/29/2019
After Action Review released for the Carr Fire
IN 2018 the fire burned 229,651 acres at Redding, California, destroyed 1,077 homes, and killed 3 firefighters and 5 civilians.There is a link download the entire 20-page report. All of the recommendations from the ARR 4/17/2019
A veteran wildland firefighter tells hikers how to react to fires
Great tips for hikers and all of us who live in California. 4/17/2019
Amateur Radio Open Message Monitor
All messages sent or received by amateur radio gateways are freely accessible right here. Help the amateur radio community police itself. Search and view; report it if you spot a violation.
Log into your Winlink account to view messages. 4/10/2019
FCC Petition RM-11831 Threatens Digital Operations Like Winlink
Winlink is IMPORTANT For Emcomm Read and act. 4/10/2019
The Quick Guide to VARA FM with Signalink on Windows has been updated to reflect major recent changes. 4/10/2019
Mesh Network Creating Situational Awareness During Wildfires
The network allows for a quick deployment during the early stages of a wildfire and offers immediate communication when crews are sometimes without traditional means of connectivity.
... The network consists of goTenna Pro units that connect via radio waves and operate independently of wireless internet and traditional cell service. Users connect to the system via their phones and the goTenna Pro app 4/9/2019
In Mendocino County, emergency staffers waited for a supervisor to show up before they warned residents of a growing fire siege in 2017. In Santa Barbara County, officials hesitated to issue blanket evacuation orders before mudslides ripped through Montecito in 2018 because they worried they might trigger a panic. And in Butte County in November, whole neighborhoods in Paradise were never told to evacuate as the Camp fire swept toward town. In each case, local emergency preparedness agencies failed to adequately warn communities that death was approaching. Now, for the first time, the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has proposed a standard set of emergency alert protocols for counties throughout the state. From Los Angeles Times 4/4/2019
Tuesday April 2: Oroville Dam is releasing water down the rebuilt spillway.
The live streaming video is impressive sometimes the stream is not available.. keep trying
Data can help determine when people relocate in or out of an evacuation area
“This research demonstrates that social-network data can be a valuable tool to monitor human behaviors in response to disasters, such as wildfires in areas that have been exacerbated by urbanization,” 4/1/2019
American Honda Recalls Portable Generators Due to Fire and Burn Hazards
Name of product:
Honda EU2200i, EU2200i Companion and EB2200i Portable Generators
The portable generator can leak gasoline from the fuel valve, posing fire and burn hazards. 3/27/2019
Emmett (Mac) McCulley W6MAC became a Silent Key March 16, 2019
Here is Emmett Lawrence McCulley’s online obituary.
He was loved and cherished by many people including : his wife Grace Sears-McCulley; his former wife Stephanie McCulley; his children, Flint McCulley, Amanda, Timothy, Kris Tremblay (Tom) and Luke. He was also cherished by relatives and countless friends.
A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, March 23rd 2019 at 2:00 PM at 3180 Rancho Rd, Redding, CA.
From: California Highway Patrol
In late July of 2018, the greater Redding area experienced what, at the time, was a firestorm of unprecedented scale. This documentary tells the story of how first responders across multiple agencies, worked together to battle the Carr Fire.
View a PDF catalog of the wide array of Winlink templates available in the Winlink Standard Templates library as of March 17, 2019. The PDF lists the templates and show an image of the initial pages
Wildfire risk in California no longer coupled to winter precipitation
Recent large fires may be harbingers of things to come, researchers say.
Wet winters no longer predict possible relief from severe wildfires for California, according to a new study from an international team that includes a University of Arizona scientist. 3/13/2019
Sacramento Valley Section ARES members volunteered 1,537 hours in February 2019. Thank you All! 3/13/2019
Three independent models converge on the high earthquake potential of Los Angeles
Metropolitan Los Angeles is being squeezed from south to north at 8-9 mm/yr (⅓ inch per year), about one-fourth the rate your fingernails grow. This squeeze was the ultimate driving force behind the 1971 San Fernando, 1987 Whittier Narrows and 1994 Northridge earthquakes 3/9/2019
The Map of Packet nodes in Northern California on 145.050 and 144.910
Give you an overview of location of packet nodes in Northern California. It can be help when finding a packet path or planning multi-hop connections.
West Coast Ares Two Meter Repeaters
Darren Fitch KM6UHA created a list of ARES repeaters to help out with "Go Kits" for travel so we can have a hard copy of a list of ARES frequency's to manually install into your radio. This is what I'm putting in my "Go Kit" with a hand held and antenna for the meeting on the 30th. Hope this helps out for everyone. California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington ARES repeater. Darren's list is available as in a PDF and an Excel formats
ARES Information
Office of Emergency Services
National Weather Information
Power Outages
Road Information
River / Reservoir Levels is a link on the home page at
New Plan Aligns ARES with the Needs of Served Agencies
The new ARES Plan adopted by the ARRL Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting in January represents an effort to provide ARES with a clearly defined mission, goals, and objectives; specific training requirements, and a system for consistent reporting and record-keeping. PDF of the ARES After Action plan can be found at 2/20/2019
From the ARRL ARES newsletter the Florida conference exercise After Action Report and Improvement Plan worth the time to read through
FCC Invites Comments on Amateur Radio-Related Petition for Rule Making
The FCC has invited public comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11826) from an Ohio radio amateur seeking to amend the Part 97 station identification rules to better accommodate and simplify station identification during an emergency net, drill, or activation. ARRL member Robert A. Dukish, KK8DX, filed the petition in December, and the FCC put it on public notice this week. Dukish seeks a change to Section 97.119(a) of the rules, which requires an amateur station to transmit its "assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes during a communication."
Interested parties may comment via the FCC Electronic Comment Filing Service (ECFS). 2/18/2019
The Caltrans QuickMap presents several types of real-time traffic information layered on a Google Map. The information includes traffic speed, lane and road closures due to construction and maintenance activities, flooding, incident reports, chain control info, and more...
You can get the app for phone at 2/16/2019
The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Advisory and High Wind Watch for most counties in the Sacramento Valley Section from 0400 to 1600 hours Wednesday February 13th. All members should make sure their batteries are charged and back up power supplies are ready.
Sacramento Valley Section ARES members volunteered 1,235 hours in January. Thank you All.
View our report: 2/11/2019
New Section Appointments
We welcome Dale Dennis, KJ6HHY, as new Yolo County ARES Emergency Coordinator, and sincerely thank his predecessor Douglas Hollowell, KK6LDS
Karl Fisher, KJ6OCL, the current Emergency Coordinator for Trinity County is the newly appointed District 1 Emergency Coordinator, replacing Jim Linden, N7JIL
California rises from the ashes again
Wildfires this year broke records and impacted estimated tens of thousands of animals
UC-Davis veterinary school and the California VMA's California Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps played a big part in rescues.
From January 15, 2019 Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA). 1/8/2019
The Coupled Atmosphere-Wildland Fire Environment modeling system was used to produce the video below to show how it would predict the spread of the Camp Fire that burned through Paradise, California November 8, 2018. 1/2/2019
A documentary about the Camp Fire at Paradise, California
Camp Fire: County issues water warning for returning residents
Plastic may be in water after Camp Fire 12/25/2018
KCBS Radio interview:EMS Teams Battled Flames and Fear to Save Patients from Camp Fire of interview here: photos they took while battling the fire here: 12/23/2018
Camp Fire created a black hole of communication & lessons learned
Camp Fire created a black hole of communication
In disasters, our high-tech communities are reduced to 1940s-era responses Radio World
A report from Radio World on the failure of communications during the
camp fire from (Mendocino Beacon). thank you Bruce WA6DNT for the link
Lessons from Camp Fire: Staying alive in California fire country
Even as smoke chokes the sky and shrouds the sun, millions of Bay Area and other California residents remain unprepared for the next inferno.
We don’t practice our escape routes. Too few of us have “to go” kits. We trust fallible WiFi, cable TV and cell phones for life-saving information. 12/20/2018
Patients Injured By Butte County Wildfire Were Tough To Find
In Part Three of our series, KCBS Radio's Jenna Lane asked the Firefighters Burn Institute Regional Burn Center's director what makes wildfire burns different and how long it can take to recover. 12/19/2018
All But 2 Camp Fire Survivors Have Left UC Davis' Burn Unit
Husband And Wife's Chance Of Recovery Remains In Question
KCBS Radio report: Part 2 12/18/2018
Escape From A 'Tidal Wave' Of Flames
Neighbors Scramble Together To Survive Camp Fire
KCBS Radio report: Part 1. They will have reports for 5 days. 12/17/2018
The inside story of death and survival as the Carr Fire's tornado of flames stormed Redding — and changed firefighting in a warming California. From the SF Chronicle 12/6/2018
Looking at fire through the eyes of the Eldorado Hotshots 10 Has a list of all the videos 11/29/2018
Nov 25, 2018 Camp Fire Incident 100% contained
Acres Burned - Containment: 153,336 acres - 100% contained
Structures Destroyed: 13,972 residences, 528 commercial and 4,293 other buildings
Injuries: 3 firefighter injuries - 85 civilian fatalities 11/25/2018
Phones Fail in California Fires, Highlighting Cell Vulnerability 11/21/2018
Sacramento Valley ARES in the news and on TV!
ARRL published an article about the Sacramento Valley Section ARES response to the Camp Fire. Radio now interviews Greg KG6SJT,Sacramento Valley SEC, about ARES Response for the Camp Fire. Radio Newsline Report 2142 for Friday, November 16 2018
Yuba Sutter ARES EC Andy Boone is on the show discussing the Camp Fire! 11/21/2018
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2142 for Friday, November 16 2018 Sutter ARES EC Andy Boone is on the show discussing the Camp Fire!
Thank you to all the ARES Members who supported the Camp Fire Red Cross Shelters:
Plumas County ARES: Kathy KF6CCP, Keith AI6OO, Larry Trotter KI6YUK.
Butte County ARES: Dale KK6EVX, Theodore N6TBC, Robert KK6WUG, Stephan KM6RSO, Daniel N6APX, Rick KI6VOS.
Yuba-Sutter ARES: Andy KJ6IYM, Bill WA6OHP, Neil N6CNY, Brandon KM6JID, Ted KN6TED, Michael AG6IP, Brad KM6RIW.
Glenn County ARES: Michael KJ6KIZ , Philip KI6SMN, Hank KM6VFF.
Sacramento County ARES" Michael KK6ZGB, Carl KK6RAS, and James KK6FON
Thank you to all the ARES Members who supported the Camp Fire Red Cross Shelters:
Worth reading an viewing the maps
... Earthquakes and Potential for Levee Failure
The levees in the Delta are highly susceptible to failure due to earthquakes because they were built out of mud between the Gold Rush and the 1906 Earthquake. 11/16/2018
ARRL published an article about the Sacramento Valley Section ARES response to the Camp Fire.
Amateur Radio Volunteers at the Ready for California Fire Duty that 20 operators from 5 County ARES groups were involved.
Read all about it! in the article
Sacramento Valley Section EC Greg KG6SJT, was interview on Ham Nation Wednesday November 14 by Amanda Alden about the Sacramento Valley ARES Response to the Camp fire. 6PM PST 11/13/2018
Cal Fire Camp Fire Structure Status
You can search by address. 11/12/2018
Red Cross Safe and Well
Search for Loved Ones can search the list of those who have registered themselves as “safe and well” The results of a successful search will display a loved one’s first name, last name and a brief message.
Cal OES Fire Situation Awareness Map
Excellent map of current fires 11/12/2018
Wind Patterns and flows in Butte County,-121.586,7,m:eLgacMwFrom 11/11/2018
Good information on current fires 11/11/2018
With this form Sacramento valley ARES members can sign up for a mutual assistance assignment. The form let our section EC and Red Cross radio develop a list of available operators to contact to help out.
Before you sign up you must get you County EC's approval in case you you have needs locally. 11/10/2018
Update October 16: The Incident Impact Snapshot Report was released in the Winlink forms update October 15 in the "SIMPLE_QUICK_Forms" Directory.
A Winlink Template indicating Incident impact of an event.
This template will be included in the next forms update.
The form can be used by ARES groups for the Great Shakeout Exercise October 18.
Download the file, unzip it and install the files in:
C:\RMS Express\Global Folders\Templates
Mike Burton N6KZB from the Winlink Development team sent out a link to a talk about Winlink. intro for folks about the value of winlink by Greg Butler KW6GB.
Encourage your ARES members to become familiar with Winink.. a very useful communications tools especially for shelters
Real-time Deer Incidents & Wildlife-Vehicle Conflict (WVC) Hotspots
Interesting on-line report you go to the real-time deer collision map, you can zoom in and see collisions by road. 9/19/2018
View the wide array of Winlink templates available in the Winlink Standard Templates library as of September 7, 2018
Winlink - Citadel Rumble in San Diego CA
Report on Navy Medical Exercise "Citadel Rumble" September 5Th/6th San Diego California.
"Winlink was used both on packet and HF, and worked very well in message delivery" 9/7/2018
Michael Joseph , KK6ZGB, appointed as DEC 3
Sacramento Valley ARES is pleased to announce thet:
Michael Joseph , KK6ZGB,
MIchael has accepted the appointment for the District 3 Emergency Coordinator. Michae will be replacing Ken Wilson K6WLS, who resigned due to other commitments.
Thank you for your years of service to ARES Ken!
Winlink at Red Cross Shelters
For the Carr fire in Redding and Weaverville CA, there are no voice channels to communicate to the Red Cross Disaster Operations Center in Sacramento
Winlink to the rescue! Winlink allows the shelters to communicate with the DOC Thank you Winlink!
Mike Burton XE2/N6KZB, from the Winlink Development Team has released a Powerpoint presentation discussing the use Winlink in use during Mexico EQ and Puerto Rico Disaster - 2017
Good information on the use of winlink for emerency communications
Thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Bill, K6KN, and Ken, K6WLS, KBERR / BERRY packet node is back on the air! Using a temporary antenna and coax, and shifting the functioning solar to the KBERR radio, it is ready for use.
The team gained access to the radio site Sunday. Antennas and coax outside destroyed. But the equipment in the vault survived. More details later.
The Berryessa Amateur Radio Club received some photos of the County Fire damage to the repeater site
http://www.barkradio.orgFor the foreseeable future the KE6YUV repeater as well as the packet nodes KBERR, BERRY, and BERR37 are down.
The web site shows more info
Tower work: Replace antenna, improve XE2BNC-11, and deal with interference.
CREBC Cerra Colorado site east TJ. Drone Photos 6/8/2018
The Winlink Forms Team complied a PDF that shows the Initial.html pages of all current Express Templates.
Interesting to see how far the program has advanced in 3 years.
Mike Burton 6/4/2018
Cal OES just sCal OES Posted: HayWired: Focusing on the Fault, on the 112th anniversary of the 1906 Great San Francisco Earthquake, Cal OES joined experts and representatives from many disciplines and agencies on the UC Berkeley campus to discuss the HayWired Scenario, a regional and statewide earthquake preparedness initiative that aims to shift behavior about earthquakes, bolster awareness, and ensure that everyone is better prepared.
The HayWired Scenario is a hypothetical earthquake sequence that is being used to better understand hazards for the San Francisco Bay region during and after an earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Hayward Fault. A large Hayward Fault earthquake will produce strong ground shaking, permanent displacement of the Earth’s surface, landslides, liquefaction (soils becoming liquid-like during shaking), and subsequent fault slip, known as afterslip, as well as aftershocks.
USGS forecasts 400 fires, 20,000 people trapped in elevators, 400,000 homeless in East Bay earthquake. East Bay residents could lose tap water for up to 6 months
USGS scenario, dubbed HayWired 4/18/2018
Disaster Volunteer Program of the Year
Video CalOES: What California Volunteers and Amateur Radio did for the fires last fall. Price and Lee Rominger are recognized for their service- Thank you!
Does space weather threaten high-tech life?
The wired Earth of the 21st century is at the mercy of the volatile nature of the sun, says a scientist who studies solar storms.
… Geomagnetic storms attack the lifeblood of modern technology: electricity. A space weather storm typically lasts for two or three days, during which the entire planet is subjected to powerful electromagnetic forces. The National Academy of Sciences study concluded that an especially massive storm would damage and shut down power grids and communications networks worldwide.
Ham Talk Live! Using Winlink
Thursday (3/8) night at 6 pm PST Steve Waterman, K4CJX & Phil Sherrod, W4PHS will take your calls about Winlink! Learn how Winlink can send email and files over radio, and how it can be used in emergencies.
Go to: from: 3/7/2018
The Winlink FAQ is updated regularly by Don Felgenhauer, K7BFL. Latest update as of Feb 28 2018.
Don distills information and answers to questions discussed on the Winlink email reflectors by users, gurus, developers and sysops. This 100+ page document is well written and organized for easy consumption. It covers:
General Questions about Winlink
User software setup and use with specific information on Winlink Express, Airmail, and Paclink
Setup and use of RMS Packet, RMS Relay and other Sysop software
Questions and answers about WINMOR TNC and the WINMOR protocol.
Information on and best practices of creating local emergency communications networks. 3/2/2018
The FCC Public Safety and Homeland Security Division recently asked for comments regarding various improvements that can be made as a result of agencies and their volunteer resources being deployed to various sites due to the recent Hurricanes that had an effect on the US mainland and its possessions.
Two questions regarding the use of Amateur radio volunteers were asked of those making comments:
1. To what extent were response efforts facilitated by amateur radio operators?
2. Going forward, should efforts be made to increase the use of amateur radio services in connection with the planning, testing and provision of emergency response and recovery communications?
There were many comments provided regarding this subject, mostly bickering about what should or should not be allowed on the FCC Part 97 Amateur spectrum, but the single comment that should interest the FEMA AuxComm Committee was that of Mr. John O’Connor, Director, National Coordinating Center for Communications. His observations and confidence in the properly trained and supervised Amateur radio volunteer for use in NCC SHARES and other non-Amateur ESF2 duties should be of interest to our committee, and thus, it is attached for review. 2/28/2018
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will phase out the traditional ARES report forms later this year in favor of an online system called ARES Connect, a volunteer management, communications, and reporting system. The new system will allow information to be logged by ARES members and managed through the Field Organization. The advent of ARES Connect was among other highlights in “The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) 2017 Annual Report,” released this week. 2/21/2018
Hawaii's communication breakdown and how going ham could save us
Hawaii's recent false nuclear missile alert showed us how reliant we are on cell phones and modern technology—and how unprepared we are if they become inaccessible. But in case the unexpected happens, an unlikely group of hobbyists—ham radio operators—are standing at the ready and may save us all. 2/8/2018
From Cal OES and Cal OES Auxiliary Communications Service
Recent disasters in the US and around the world have resulted in lost communications. Whether hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or terror attacks response to a disaster is made more difficult without effective communications. Cal OES has at least one answer to that in California - HAMS. 2/7/2018
To support the Red Cross from many areas in the Sacramento Vallery Section, it is likely we will need to use Winlink. Winlink is perfect for sending long lists of needed supplies or forms.
Two pages to help you get started:
It is time to start planning for winter storms and flooding- Send Winlink Messages to Red Cross Winlink station: KA6ARC Started with Winlink 1/23/2018
ARRL Section: Sacramento Valley Section
Year: 2017
Total number of ARES members 398
Change since last year 31 +
Number of ARES nets active: 897
Number of nets with NTS liaison: 137
Number of drills, tests and training sessions this year: 610
NUmber of drill Person hours; 12,449
Number of public service events this month: 59
total PS Person hours: 6,910
Number of emergency operations this year: 53
Totl Emergency Person Hours 2,680
Total number of ARES operations this year: 1,756
Total Person hours 23,614
At the River City ARCS General Meeting on Tuesday, January 2 at 7:30 pm, Joe Pistritto, N3CKF, gave a presentation on his September 28-October 18 deployment as a communications volunteer in the post-Hurricane Maria ARRL/Red Cross Puerto Rico disaster relief effort.
Watch the slide show with audio narration at 1/10/2018
Ham's assisting hams
At a recent meeting of the
CREBC XE2BNC Baja Radio Club in Mexico saw photos of KE6YUV repeater damage due to a neighboring tower falling due to recent wind storm in the Valley. The club "passed the hat" and send a generous donation to the Berryessa Amateur Radio Klub to assist with the repairs of the repeater that was damaged.
It’s mutual assistance like this that makes Amateur Radio such a great community.
A new Full Service BBS and Winlink gateway now active in Amador County
Dan Edwards, KJ6WYW, has installed a full service BBS station and a Winlink gateway in Amador County.
The BBS and winlink gateway are on 144.370. It is running on a raspberry pi.
Connect to the BBS - KJ6WYW-1 via berr37, or the Winlink gateway via KJ6WYW-10 via berr37
Good news! KE6YUV repeater is back up and running!
12-21-17 Ken K6WLS and Bill K6KN went up to the repeater site on Thursday. They hooked up two spare antennas as a temporary fix to get the repeater back up and running.
Thank you Ken and Bill!
The strongs winds this last weekend caused the tower from the communications vault next to us to topple.
When their tower fell, it took out the KE6YUV repeater antennas and stripped the coax from our tower.
View a couple of photos. 12/18/2017
The running of the 35th California International Marathon, December 2, 2017, required 35 Amateur Radio Operators to provided the needed communication support for this event.
California International Marathon (CIM), is hosted by the Sacramento Running Association. This year the event drew over 11,000 runners and an additional 1,000 Relay Teams for the 26.2-mile race from Folsom to downtown Sacramento.
Read more about the CIM 12/11/2017
From the San Francisco Chronicle: DISASTER GUIDE- HOW TO SURVIVE What you need to do before the next fire, earthquake, or flood.
Lots of great information to help you and your family be prepared. 11/19/2017
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Winlink 2000
Highly recommended document: The Winlink FAQ is updated regularly by Don Felgenhauer, K7BFL. Don distills information and answers to questions discussed on the Winlink email reflectors by users, gurus, developers and sysops. This 100+ page document is well written and organized for easy consumption. includes info on set ups for using winlink.
Research by the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado into the weather conditions when the devastating October 8 wildfires started in Northern California indicates that hurricane force wind was one of the factors responsiblewind speed conversion table for the extremely rapid spread of the fires that killed at least 43 people and destroyed more than 8,900 structures.
... CAL FIRE has not released the causes of the October 8 confligrations, but at about the same time firefighters were first responding to numerous fires, they also received multiple calls about fallen power lines and electrical transformers exploding.
California law dictates that power lines are supposed to be able to withstand 56 mph.
Two different perspectives regarding Amateur Radio in Puerto RICO
Two different perspectives regarding ARRL/Red Cross use of Amateur Radio in Puerto RICO
Ham Radio Now: Force of Two Nation: HURRICANE HAMS ON PUERTO RICO 10/29/2017
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Wildfire Assistance Activities
Continue to
check this page daily for the latest updates on UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine activities surrounding the Napa area fires.
To date, the veterinary hospital has treated one dog, two llamas, 10 horses, 19 cats, and 33 koi fish.
Many of the fire victims treated are from families who have lost everything. Please consider donating to the SVM
Veterinary Catastrophic Need Fund to help treat animals affected by these wildfires.
Oroville >> When the Red Cross signaled it would open a evacuation center in Oroville for the Cherokee and La Porte fires, there was a small band of volunteers that may have not been noticed.
They were hauling boxes of equipment to a back room at the Church of the Nazarene. They were part of the Golden Empire Amateur Radio Society, providing communication capabilities to the Red Cross.
Article from the Nevada county Union: 10/17/2017
ARRL has published a news item on the response of Sacramento Valley Section ARES to the wild fires.
Read 10/17/2017
A well done Interactive map: Wine Country fires updated as information becomes available. From SF Chronicle
A fire / evacuation maps it finally loads, enter an address or city to check.
Fires in Yuba / Butte & Calaveras Fire Shelter Frequencies
Fires in Yuba / Butte & Calaveras Fire Shelter Frequencies
NAZ shelter in Oroville
W6SCR 145.290 - 110.9
WD6AXM 146.085 + 127.3
Amador / Calaveras Point Fire
Pioneer Shelter & the Calaveras Shelter
K6ARC 146.835 - 100
CalOES will be offering ICS-300 course in January at Mather in Sacramento.
ICS 300 Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents
Here's the link to sign up: 10/4/2017
... Sometimes it seems we simply assume our communications networks and the Internet will be available all the time, but during Harvey, Irma, and now Maria, many learned that communications capabilities, one of the most important links for all of us, may not always be available when we want them and need them. While our infrastructure companies work at making our systems better, there are times when nature’s fury beats our best efforts. The good news is that when all else fails there will still be amateur radio!
Read article 9/29/2017
From Radio Relay International 9/25/2017
From the Davis Enterprise newspaper:
Joe DeAngelo AG6QO is involved in Yolo Amateur Radio Emergency Service, a local branch of ARES, an organization of trained volunteers throughout the United States and Canada who dedicate much of their time to helping with emergency communications
Because of the outages to communications and basic infrastructure, Mexico's FRME, Federación Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores, A.C., activated their Red HF net along with Winlink capabilities. Mexico has 5 Winlink full service gateways, one in Mexico City itself. XE1VP gateway in Mexico City lost internet but continued to function via HF auto forwarding, normally to gateway N5TW in Texas. An example of Winlink use was at the collapse site at the Enrique Rebsamen School in Mexico City.
This map was posted by the "San Diego County-Baja California Winlink for Emcomm" google group. unit, amateur based, being used Mexico EQ
Communication unit from the Guanajauto radio club (XE1CRG), well equipped is on site. Call sign XE1PRA.
Internet is spotty if at all and they are on site sending and receiving email via Winlink on HF with Pactor. 9/19/2017
Full Service BBS and Winlink gateway now active in Yolo County
Ken Wilson, K6WLS, has installed a full service BBS station and a Winlink gateway in Yolo County.
The BBS and winlink gateway are on 144.370.
Connect to the BBS - K6WLS-1 via berr37, or the Winlink gateway via K6WLS-10 via berr37.
Andy Boone KJ6IYM appointed as Yuba-Sutter EC
The Sacramento Valley Section is pleased to announce that Andy Boone KJ6IYM has been appointed as Yuba-Sutter Emergency Coordinator. Andy will be taking over for Steve Sweetman K6TAZ who has served a EC for the last four years. Thank you Steve and welcome Andy!
The Northern California DX Club is offering free online classes for the General Class Amateur Radio License and HF operating starting in mid-September.
After a couple of introductory classes the tracks include Track I General License Exam Preparation, Track II HF Operating and Station Building and Track III Advanced Topics. Because the material is presented in tracks you can take only the classes that interest you. Our plan is to expose you to everything HF at your own skill level. There will even be a little material on how to chase DX thrown in for good measure.
Classes are free and we will do our best to make them fun. Some classes will be taught using Webex so you don't even have to leave your home to take them. Others will be taught at your Elmer's shack where you can try out what you are learning on the air. We look forward to helping you to enjoy HF ham
Go to for details
Oregon ARES has eclipse information at: Cross and ARRL has ICS-205 plans for many of the states in the path of totality. recording of the Red Cross Coordination Call 2017 Solar Eclipse video. August 15, 2017 8/17/2017
New version of Flmsg has been posted Red Cross Templates are designed to wrk with Flmsg. The new version of Flmsg adds new features to facilitate saving files to be sent by radio operators..
ARES DEC Jim Linden, N7JIL, and EC Dan Stossmeister, KJ6ZUW were invited to the Strong Family Functional Shelter Exercise on June 27th in Alturas, CA. The scenario was no electricity or Internet for 24 hours. Clinic had a generator running and we set up Packet Winlink in a closet with an outside antenna. From there we sent and received e-mails for the shelter. All the agencies participated there were quite impressed with that capability that hams can bring to a disaster.
read more... 7/1/2017
Jay Ballinger, N6SAC, created a short film documenting Field Day in Yolo County. 4 radio clubs YARS, BARK, ARES, UCDARC 6/30/2017
Researchers: We’ve discovered power grid-wrecking software
... The malicious software has the ability to remotely sabotage circuit breakers, switches and protection relays, the reports say, a nightmare scenario for those charged with keeping the lights on. possibility was discussed in "Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath" by Ted Koppel 6/13/2017
American Red Cross liaison to amateur radio has prepared a zip file containing the "The Red Cross Message Utility".
The Red Cross Message Utility (“flmsg”) is primarily intended to create messages for transmission by radio when cell phone and Internet is unavailable. The zip file contains the latest version of Flmsg, nine custom Red Cross forms, and directions for use.
The Eppie's Great Race, July 15, 2017Sign up here: 5/25/2017
American Red Cross Gold Country Region Amateur has a Winlink address
The American Red Cross Gold Country Region Amateur Radio Call Sign is KA6ARC and they now has a WinLink address of
Jim Piper N6MED, Red Cross Liaison to Amateur radio has taken on this task of monitoring this winlink address.
In past exercises and disasters, that involve multiple counties, it is important to be able to communicate with the Red Cross Disaster Operations Center (DOC). A running Winlink station at the DOC will facilitate this passing of information. Jim has the winlink station running now so we can start to get familiar with sending information to the DOC. This is an exciting development.
It would be great if you, or any of your ARES members could send a winlink message to the DOC.
If you are using Winlink Express, send a short message to the Red Cross winlink station. Please include your Name, Call sign, Location, County.
Also CC Jim at:
You can get the XP patches from MicroSoft's Web site: 5/16/2017
New Sierra County Emergency Coordinator named
Scott A Schlefstein N5TEN, has been named the new Emergency Coordinator for Sierra County ARES
Please welcome Scott to ARES
Scott A Schlefstein N5TEN,
530-993-4900 5/16/2017
AB1222 goes to the Assembly floor for vote SOON, in-adequately amended. It *MUST* be fixed before it passes, or in the Senate. We will be emailing the Assembly with our concerns, but that is not enough. We all need to CALL our representatives and BE HEARD! DO. NOT. WAIT. A more complete update and instructions are at: Thank you for your support...
Full Service BBS and Winlink gateway now active in Modoc County
Jim Hertel, N6KMR, has installed a full service BBS station and a Winlink gateway in Modoc County.
Connect ot the BBS - N6KMR-1, or the Winlink gateway via N6MKR-10. Currently the stations are on 145.050, but these may change in the future when approved by NCPA to 145.09 or 144.97.
Jim notes: "our coverage is Modoc county Alturas Area and as soon as the snow melts Surprise Valley too"
Contact Jim at: N6KMR@N6KMR.#NCA.CA.USA.NOAM or
SACRAMENTO - Being Ready for Wildfire has never been easier with CAL FIRE’s new Ready for Wildfire app. This new tool puts a whole library of step-by-step checklists in the palm of the user’s hand.
Users can also sign-up for customized alerts that will send a text or push notification to their device when a CAL FIRE is responding or assisting to a wildfire in their area. Additionally, users can set up alerts for single counties, multiple counties 4/20/2017
Assembly Member Quirk's office submitted an amendment to AB-1222, which was published on April 17, 2017. This bill intends to correct the ambiguous language in the Distracted Driving Law.
AB-1222 Vehicles: electronic wireless communications devices. This bill is scheduled to be heard on April 24, 2017. act to amend Section 1656.3 23123.5 of the Vehicle Code, relating to vehicles.
AB 1222, as amended, Quirk. Vehicles: driver’s handbook. electronic wireless communications devices.
Existing law makes it a crime to drive a motor vehicle while holding and operating a handheld wireless telephone or electronic wireless communications device, as specified. Existing law defines an electronic wireless communications device as including, but not limited to, a broadband personal communication device, a specialized mobile radio device, a handheld device or laptop computer with mobile data access, a pager, or a two-way messaging device.
This bill would remove a specialized mobile radio device and a two-way messaging device from the list of devices specifically included as an electronic wireless communications device.
Emergency Communications Driving Increase in Amateur Radio Operators
More Americans than ever have been licensed by the Federal Communications Commission as amateur radio operators, and those in the know say that emergency communications is driving their passion to be “hams.”
Emergency Management Magazine 4/13/2017
CHP Memo Enforcement of Section 23123.5 of the California Vehicle Code Hands Free Law
...For the purposes of Section 23123.5(f) CVC, a radio installed and mounted in a vehicle with a wired hand microphone (e.g., business band or citizen band [CB]radio) is not considered a wireless communication device, nor is it considered a
specialized mobile radio device, and therefore is not subject to enforcement under this section.
Read the memo 3/30/2017
Several links on the
Sacramento Valley Section news-
ARRL's statement on AB1785-
Two-Way Radio Users Worried California’s Cellphone Ban Is Too Broad From CBS13 Sacramento- California Radio Amateurs Move to Amend Distracted Driving Law AB-1785
Read Assembly Bill No. 1785- Amateur Radio Roundtable 3 21 17, James NO1PC, talks about CA hands free bill and how it might affect you 3/21/2017
Is it legal ot illegal to operate a two-way radio while driving in CA have created a petition started. you sign up, updates will be emailed to you.
If Winlink Express fails while loading try this Quick Fix posted:
Add "Use AWS=true" to the RMS Express.ini file. If the USE AWS=false is there change to "true"
Here’s the beginning of my RMS Express.ini file with the added line.
ITS Directory=C:\itshfbc\
Call signs=KG6SJT
Use AWS=trueMessage Read Time=3
Interesting discussion with Craig Fugate, past FEMA Administrator, on Ham Radio Now.
Mr. Fugate discusses Emergency communications and ham Radio. 2/25/2017
Red Cross Shelter Fundamentals class
An Shelter Fundamentals class is now being made available on Sunday 2/19/2017 at 2:30 pm.
It will be at the Red Cross Chapter headquarters, 1565 Exposition Blvd. You should register through Tami Martin, 2/16/2017
The Sacramento Valley ARES section has been very active the last few days supporting communications for the Oroville Dam event.
ARRL has posted an article based on the situation reports that have been sent daily. 2/14/2017
Interview with Jim Piper, N6MED, American Red Cross, Gold County Region- Liaison to Amateur Radio
Watch the video interview.Read Jim's article:
ARC Disaster Message Traffic and flmsg 1/21/2017
David Freese, W1HKJ, has released a
new version of FLMsg that supports a minimized interface to allow non-radio operators to create messages and hand-off the data files to a radio operator for transmission.
He has also released
Custom Templates designed for use by Red Cross.
Winlink Express Connection Scripts to Gateways make connections easy.
KG6SJT Sample scripts: 1/14/2017
Sacramento Valley Section ARES has posted a page with Links for Storm information 1/14/2017
State Operations Communications Center has been activated for the
The State Operations Communications Center has been activated for the "2017 Statewide Storms" event.
They are currently monitoring 7230 LSB on HF, the W6AK repeater (146.910) and 440.750 on the CARLA system as well as W6SIG for Winlink communications.
These modes will be available as back up for loss of normal communications.
Jim Price KO6GM, ACS
Digital Operations Manager
Sacramento County EOC staffed by ARES January 12, 2017
Sacramento County EOC is once again staffed by Amateur Radio operators.
Power Outages
Creek levels
Road Conditions
N6ICW 147.195 + offset PL123.0
N6NA 145.250 -- offset PL162.2
Simplex VHF146.565 If we lose power to the repeaters
You can also send reports via packet radio:
Send messages to KE6FF via mailbox KE6FF-1 via node kberr 145.050
or Send a winlink message
Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP
Sacramento County ARES E.C.
Current list of Emergency Road Closures in Yolo County.
Click Red Lines on Road to see details.
Voluntary Evacuation Center Opened In Elk Grove
Just posted:
SacramentoOES @SacramentoOES 3 hours ago (5:30pm)
SacOES deleted their tweet about closing the evacuation center at Elk Grove. In an abundance of caution, @RedCross will be open tonight #castorm Evacuation Center Opened In Elk Grove -
For residents of low-lying areas of WILTON and along the COSUMNES RIVER.
Red Cross Shelters Opening Sunday Jan 8, 2017
Red Cross Liaison for Gold County Region said that two Red Cross shelters opening Sunday in Marysville & near Wilton. Stand by to help.
Sacramento County ARES will staff the EOC Sunday Jan 8, 2017
Sacramento County OES has asked ARES again to help on reporting weather related issues in Sacramento County Sunday 1/8/2017.
Power Outages
Creek levels
Road Conditions
I will be at the OES radio room taking calls from all Hams, on the N6ICW Repeater with the backup Repeater being the N6NA. I will make a call out Sunday after 9am asking for reports on what you are seeing in your area.
If you are mobile or at home please report what is happening in your area.
ARES members please use your Reserve number with you name and call. This may go into Monday and Tuesday, so be prepared and make sure you HT is charged and ready and if you have it, back up power to your Base Station.
N6ICW 147.195 + offset PL123.0
N6NA 145.250 -- offset PL162.2
Simplex VHF146.565 If we lose power to the repeaters
Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP
Sacramento County ARES E.C.
Getting Ready for the Storm
The rains are suppose to start Friday night and continue through the weekend.
The following ARES groups have been contacted as of Friday night to be ready and stand-by due to concerns of expected the "atmospheric river".
- Sacramento County ARES
- Yuba/Sutter ARES
- Alpine County ARES/DCART
All ARES members to be ready to help if asked. Have your go-kit ready and your batteries charged up. You should also make sure you have a full tank of gas.
The latest version of Winlink Express has new features including a redesigned Form/template structure and the forms will be updated automatically. Ypu still have a custom template directory to add your custom forms.
Download auto updating form/ templates at
December 4, 2016.
The 34th California International Marathon (CIM), hosted by the Sacramento Running Association, drew over 9000 runners for this 26.2-mile race from Folsom to downtown Sacramento and an additional 3,500 runners for the Relay Challenge. The CIM is a recognized qualifying race for the Boston Marathon.
Thirty five amateur radio operators from multiple counties in Northern California worked together to support communications for this event.
Read more... 12/6/2016
On November 30th Sutter Roseville Medical Center held an Active Shooter Mass Causality Incident Drill. Placer County ARES along with help from Yolo and Sacramento ARES participated in the drill. The drill involved 3 shooters and a bomb vest, there were 22 drill victims. The hams passed traffic between Sutter Roseville and Sutter Auburn. Both voice and digital modes were used successfully. In the lesions learned the hams found that hand held radios cannot transmit out of the concrete buildings within the Sutter Roseville campus, not only did this affect ham communications but it also affected the SWAT teams communications.
Thanks to KG6LSB, N6DPH, KG6SJT, W6TOC, N6CKV, WU6X, NI2U, and Michael for participating.
Carl N6CKV
Placer County EC
Video of the exercise 12/1/2016
The current ARRL ARES E-Letter has articles about two groups in the Sacramento Valley Section.
An article on the Butte Wildfire 2015 response by Amador County ARES and an article "Learn to Use Your Repeater's Autopatch” about Amador Amateur Radio Club President Paul Keenton’s experience during the Butte fire clean up.
You can read the current issue at: 11/16/2016
Sacramento Valley Section ARES. Members
worked 1,419 hours in October 2016. #ARES #ARRL
We are starting to sign up volunteers for the California International Marathon - CIM. We will need nearly 40 radio operators.
This year all volunteers are required to sign up via a web site. They have a category for ARES/Radio operators. Please send an email to when you have signed up.
Do you or another ham you know have Boafeng radio? If so, they might want to check out a
step by step programming guide by Dennis KI6HHA.
Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP appointed Sacramento ARES Emergency Coordinator
The Sacramento Valley Section ARES is pleased to annouce that Vince Cracchiolo KI6NHP,, has been appointed as Emergency Coordinator for Sacramento County ARES.
We want to thank Bill Shaffer who has done a wonderful job leading Sacramento County ARES and setting high training standards. We truly appreciate all of his hard work.
We are starting to sign up volunteers for the California International Marathon - CIM. We will need nearly 40 radio operators.
This year all volunteers are required to sign up via a web site. They have a category for ARES/Radio operators. Please send an email to when you have signed up.
Go to: There is a place for members to select their volunteer group – including ARES, as well as enter shirt size, contact information, and check an event waiver. If you worked this event last year please be sure to enter your assigned location last year.
For more information, contact Frank Reshke N6SNO 916-529-2396 or Greg Kruckewitt KG6SJT 530-219-0611 or email: 10/8/2016
Jeff Lamb KE6FF is looking for volunteers for the Eppies Kids Duathalon.
The event is at Discovery Park, Sacramento (I-5 at Garden Highway). I think we would need to be there by 7am. The runners start around 8am. Below is the link. Eppies Kids Duathalon is held at Discovery Park on the morning of October 16, 2016 this year. The race begins at 8am, and ARES members participating would need to be there by 7am. I believe the event would be over likely before or around noon. I am looking to find out if we can get enough of our ARES folks to be able to participate again this year. ARES members are deployed along the routes the kids are traveling which helps keep the kids safer during this event.
If you are able to help out with this event, it would be very much appreciated!! Please contact Jeff as soon as possible as this is being put together at the last minute. Thank you!!
Jeff KE6FF 995-9090
ARRL Gauging Impact of Revised California Distracted Driving Law
California has upped its game in cracking down on distracted driving, and radio amateurs there are concerned that a recent revision to the state’s Motor Vehicle Code could affect Amateur Radio mobile operation. The old law, which included an Amateur Radio exemption, already prohibited motorists from using electronic wireless communication devices to write, send, or read a text-based communication while in motion, unless the device was configured for voice-operated and hands-free operation. The revised law does not exempt Amateur Radio.
Read the law here:
Assembly Bill 1785 10/4/2016
Carl First N6CKV Appointed Placer County Emergency Coordinator
The Sacramento Valley Section ARES is pleased to announce that
Carl First N6CKV, has been appointed the Emergency Coordinator position for Placer County ARES.
Thank you
John Hestenes NT6ET, for all of you excellent work setting goals and training benchmarks for Placer ARES.

September National Preparedness Month: theme, “Don’t Wait, Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today,”
Does your club or group have a Public Information Officer?
Do you wish to promote and publicize your club or group activities and to be better prepared to respond to inquiries about amateur radio from the media and your local authorities? Are you interested in updating skills to more effectively deliver your message to our 21st century interconnected audience? Those describe some key roles of the
Public Information Officer (PIO)--a valuable player for your club or group's community relations and growth.
ARRL Public Information Coordinator Suellene Petersen, K6CPA, strongly encourages current and aspiring PIOs to pre-register now for the PIO course that she will offer on Saturday, October 15, at the ARRL Pacificon Convention. The
course material can be downloaded here and is useful for your club PIO, photographers, newsletter editors, and webmasters.
ARRL Sacramento Valley Section shared Carol Milazzo's post — in Sacramento, California.
I'm saddened to report that ARRL SV section member Jennifer Hughes NS3O, formerly KJ6YLS, passed away suddenly in her sleep in a Phoenix, AZ hotel room on August 31.
Jennifer was on vacation doing her favorite thing--riding her motorcycle--about to embark on the 3FlagsClassic again, riding all the way from Mexico to Canada. She had just arrived in Phoenix to visit a friend following a long motorcycle trip. Her friend found Jennifer in the hotel room bed. She had otherwise been in good health.
Jennifer was an active member of the River City ARCS, the Samuel F. Morse ARC, ARES, SHARP and other amateur radio groups and served as a Volunteer Instructor and Examiner.
A Celebration of Life service will be held on September 18 in the Sacramento area with further details to follow at 9/3/2016
Winlink has released a tool to create a ics-309 Communications Log of Winklink Express messages It creates either a PDF or CSV file of your Express emails messages sent or received.
The “Understanding Local MOUs” webinar provided good information you COULD use/be aware of when developing MOUs with served agencies. The video is posted here: 6/15/2016
Operators are need TEVIS CUP Events on July 23-24, 2016. If you're interested go to web site and sign up for this event. Call Ralph 408-640-0963 or with any questions.
Eppie's Great Race is on July 16, 2016. Sacramento County ARES is looking for radio operators to help support the event. You will need either a Mobile or HT radio and to be available to help on July 16th.
Sign up page...
Learn to use your club's repeater’s Autopatch - it could save a life
On Monday May 23, 2016 Amador Amateur Radio Club President Paul Keeton KI6LZC, was on deployment with the Red Cross in Calaveras Co. for the Butte Fire Recovery. He was headed to the house where they are staying in West Point, when he came across the woman lying on the roadway(Bald Mountain Rd.). There was no cell signal there, so he used the auto patch available on the Amador repeater to call 911. This was an excellent example of the autopatch use. Paul would have had to drive to the nearest town (West Point) to use a phone there. As Paul noted - "Very handy up here in the mountains." The woman recovered and was tended to by people she knew.
May 18, 2016. Over 20 members from Placer County ARES with assistance from Sacramento County ARES participated in the Placer County MCI Emergency Response Drill. ARES provided voice communications between the various locations as well passing packet traffic between Sutter Roseville and Sutter Auburn hospitals.
Placer County posted videos from the exercise 5/19/2016
Amador ARES is looking for Radio Operators for Bike Ride April 16
Amador ARES is looking for operators for the
Sierra Century Bike ride on April 16th.
If you are interested or have any questions about
these two events please contact Dan Edwards (KJ6WYW) either by email or phone is 209-295-4744.
ARES Accident Report form by Larry Trotter, KI6YUK Plumas EC. Good to keep copies in vehicle. This version is a Microsoft Word file that you can modify.
From The Atlantic: The Amateur Radio Operators Preparing for the Worst
In natural or man-made disasters, ham-radio enthusiasts put their hobby to work. 3/15/2016
Sacramento Valley Section ARES Tri-fold brochure. Easy to customize with your contact info. 3/13/2016
Great information for all ARES ECs, DECs, and ARES members.
YouTube Recording of the ARRL March 1 2016 ARRLWebinar: 3/10/2016
Good information with all the recent high winds. Learn about "Step Potential"
From Puget Sound Energy 3/9/2016
Looking for a Public Service Event in Beautiful Amador County?
Amador ARES is looking for 2 operators for the
Party Pardee Bike ride on April 2nd and 6 operators for the
Sierra Century Bike ride on April 16th.
If you are interested or have any questions about
these two events please contact Dan Edwards (KJ6WYW) either by email or phone is 209-295-4744.
New Winlink Packet gateway
John Pekarek KF6DQU has installed a new Winlink packet gateway on Mount Banner at 4000 feet, Nevada county CM99MG.
KF6DQU-10 145.050. It also supports the packet node BANNER.
This is good news for ARES in Nevada County and many winlink packet users in the Sacramento Valley.
A massive 19th-century storm on the Pacific coast of the US opened up a 300-mile-long sea that stretched through much of the central part of California.
And it looks like the state is due for another mega flood.
In the article there is a link to ArkStorm
The ARkStorm winter storm scenario affects both northern and southern California 2/18/2016
Mary Anne Balthrope, KE6EST, became a Silent Key Friday noon, February 12, 2016. Mary Anne had been a member of River City ARCS for many years and was the 2012 recipient of the Lyle Aufranc Memorial Award.
At the January 9 Sacramento County ARES Training class at the Metro Fire District Station 106, prior Sac County EC John Staples, KI6ZWW, received a gift certificate and a plaque "in appreciation for all of his time and hard work spent to improve Sacramento County ARES and RACES during 2012-2015."
Thank you John!
For the year 2015, Sacramento Valley Section ARES reported 20,129 volunteer hours!
Excellent job and well done. Thank you for all of your hard work and support of ARES!
Yolo County ARES VE team developed a "Volunteer Examiner Session checklist"
used in each of our FCC license test sessions to make sure all the forms are completed correctly.
We put a copy with each candidate's paper work and the VEs check the forms as the testing progresses. At the end, a quick review is all that is needed.
Plumas County EC Larry Trotter, KI6YUK, has shared the After Action Report for the Plumas County Pandemic Flu Exercise.
National Weather Service - Enhanced Data Display is a nice tool to monitor the weather. Get quick access to deterministic and probabilistic forecasts. Multiple selective layers on map let you focus on the information you are looking for.
Amateur radio operators are needed for the California International Marathon
Amateur radio operators are needed for the December 6, California International Marathon. The race begins in Folsom and ends at the State Capitol in Sacramento. If you can help out contact:
Frank 11/10/2015
Are you Interested in Amateur Radio Mail? Check AG6QO's presentation. 10/26/2015
Sacramento Valley Section Manager Carol KP4MD has designed a prototype for a new Sacramento Valley Section News site. Email comments and suggestions to Carol KP4MD(at)
Space Weather News for Oct. 23, 2015
THE SOLAR FLARE THAT WOULDN'T END: Typical solar flares are finished in a matter of minutes. On Oct. 22nd, a solar flare in the magnetic canopy of sunspot AR2434 lasted for more than 3 hours. The slow explosion produced a CME, which is expected to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Oct. 25th. Visit for more information.
Several Sacramento Valley Section ARES groups are participating the Great Shakeout exercises Oct 15 201.
- Sacramento ARES at 1015 and 1200 on N6NA repeater 145.250 negative pl 162.2.
- Amador ARES at 1015 on 146.550 simplex
- Yolo ARES at 1015 on the KE6YUV repeater 146.970 negative PL 123.0
Interesting listening!
1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake Net Control Recordings 10/13/2015
Keep up to date with ARRL Sacramento Valley news and links to many of the Radio Clubs in theARRL Sacramento Valley Section.
This link to resources is always available from the menu item SV ARES.
Special Event Station N6T will be active from the ARRL booth #49 at the
Rocklin Maker Faire at Sierra College, Rocklin CA Saturday October 3, from 10 am-3 pm PDT (1700-2200 UTC). Visitors are welcome.
Talk-In on the N6NA Repeater 145.250 MHz - offset, PL 162.2
HF operating frequencies from 10 through 40 meters will be posted during the event on our Section
Twitter Feed and
Facebook Page.
Dr Carol Milazzo, KP4MD appointed new Sacramento Valley Section Manager
Dr Carol Milazzo, KP4MD has been appointed as the new Sacramento Valley Section Manager as of October 1, 2015. Carol is taking over for Ron Murdock, W6KJ, who decided not to run for another term of office after serving since July of 2007.
Best of luck and thank you Ron for all of your hard work.
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill October 15, 2015 @10:15AM
Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:15 a.m. on October 15* during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, which began in California in 2008.
Participating is a great way for your ARES group, family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes– wherever you live, work, or travel.
Sacramento Valley Section elect Carol Milazzo KP4MD has created a
Facebook page for the Sacramento Valley Section. Carol will take over for Ron Murdock W6KJ as Sacramento Valley Section manager on October 1, 2015. 9/21/2015
The Low-Loss PWRgate low cost alternative to the
Power Werx PWRgate PG40S. The Low-Loss PWRgate by
FlintHills Radio Inc, is Backup Power Switching and Charging System the Simple, Safe, and Reliable, easy to add backup battery power to your home station or go-kit. 25 Amp total, 3 power outlet ports, ARES standard Anderson Pole Connectors.
A PWRgate is a simple standby backup power system, it will allow communications equipment to remain operative on battery power during AC power blackouts. Power supplies and batteries can be swapped out while the equipment remains on with no glitches.
NOTE: Several ARES members in Sacramento and Amador counties have had very good success with Low-Loss PWRgate.
Carol Milazzo KP4MD has started a twitter feed for the Sacramento Valley Section. Carol will take over for Ron Murdock W6KJ as Sacramento Valley Section manager.
Welcome Carol!
Among other treats in the twitter feed
Carol has posted photos from Sept. 18-20, 2015 Section Manager Workshop ARRL Headquarters in Newington CT Check the twitter feed often to keep up with news in the Sacramento Valley Section.
ARRL has posted an article onARES/RACES response to the wildfires in Northern California. It has information about the Amador County ARES with support from Yolo and Sacramento ARES.
Amador ARES Red Cross Shelter support has ceased
Amador ARES has been release from supporting Red Cross shelter communications as of 6:00am Monday, September 14.
In Amador County several of the evacuated areas are being repopulated.
thank you Amador ARES as well as members from Yolo County ARES and Sacramento County ARES.
Cal Fire Twitter web site site for CAL FIRE PIO Daniel Berlant Fire Web site for Butte Fire Fire information from Today web site has good information about the Butte Fire as well.
http://wildfiretoday.comKVGC Radio is streaming information about the Butte Fire via the internet.
http://www.kvgcradio.comThe Amador ShelterRed Cross shelter is located at the Jackson Rancheria Hotel.
Amador ARES is using the K6ARC repeater
K6ARC 146.835 negative offset PL 100
This map was developed for Oregon Live. the map is updated every 30 minutes.
Lowell Fire in Nevada and Placer County
Lowell Fire in Nevada and Placer County
A major fire has started in the Alta area. CDF command is calling this the Lowell Fire. High potential for hard road closures and mass evacuations. Placer County ARES has not been activated but we should be ready to go at a moments notice. If you live in the upper area be prepared with a go bag for immediate evac. Please monitor W6EK 145.430 for info. Contact will be K6UDA.
Live Audio is available at has new info 7/25/2015
Joe, AG6QO wrote: Kenwood produces a beautiful little HT known as the TH-D72, which is a dual band 5 W transceiver, with built-in GPS and TNC. This makes it not only a nice mobile APRS unit, but a travelling packet station with the addition of a MS Windows based Venue 8 Pro tablet
He has installed puTTY, Outpost, RMS Express, and even Paclink and Thunderbird on this little 16 GB table which turns it into the ultra-portable packet station he needed for remote access to the AG6QO-1 BBS and radio mail.
Check out the AG6QO web site 7/5/2015
Tour of the California Alps needs Operators - can you help?
The Tour of the California Alps also known as the Death Ride is still being planned for July 11th. The Alpine County organizers will look at all the conditions and make a final go decision on July 6th. Tahoe Amateur Radio Association (TARA) is the lead group to organize ham radio communications support for this event. As you know, there is basically no cell phone coverage in most of the county. We plan to staff the Alpine County Sheriff's with ham radio coverage to support the Dispatcher to help get emergency resources to incidents as quickly as possible. The hours are 6 AM to 8 PM.
Sheila Clement, KA7AJQ
ARES Emergency Coordinator
Douglas, NV and Alpine, CA
Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event – and ALL about FUN!
Find a Field Day event near you: 6/25/2015
"2015 Sacramento Stand Down" Helping Veterans Stand Up (Sept. 18th. - 20th.)
Date: 9/18/2015
Start time: 0800 on 18th. and 19th. - 1700 on 18th and 19th.
County: Sacramento
Location: Mather Field, Rancho Cordova, Ca.
I need five (5) operators per day, two days Fri. 18th. Sat. 19th. You will need a 2M ht. Be able to talk to and respect homeless individuals. And have fun using a PA system to pass information.
Radio operator helps is requested.
Contact: Dan Wise 6/25/2015
The ARES Deployment and Assignment Form, helps ARES members gather and organize information they might need for deployment or activation. 6/17/2015
The latest edition (March 2015) of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) Manual now is online. This edition includes various Incident Command System (ICS) forms for ARES use, clarifies the role of the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), contains an improved chapter on ARES training, and includes all current ARRL memoranda of understanding/agreement. 6/4/2015
This week is Wildfire Awareness Week. And this year is looking to possibly be the worst on record for wildfires. Especially since there was a recent news article on KCRA TV 3 saying there are approximately twelve million trees that are either already dead or dying. Here is the article and slideshow:
Survey: Drought kills 12 million California trees <> . Firefighters worry dead timber will explode in fire.
Photos: Death by drought for Sierra Nevada trees. <>
For reference, you can visit Cal Fire's Ready for Wildfire website <> . It has helpful tips and other suggestions on how to prepare for this year's fire season. The USFS has a good checklist <> , too, that includes parking your vehicle in the garage while you're loading it. That way, you're not overtaken by smoke. FEMA has a section on their website <> about wildfires, too. Cal Fire posts information on current fires on their Current Fire Information webpage
. And the Forest Service uses InciWeb Incident Information System . To include with all of these checklists and wildfire information, I would also ensure your bags are ready and radios programmed and charged. Speaking of radios.
For those of you who are interested, Cal Fire has updated radio frequencies <> that are interstitial (2.5 kHz channel spacing) to keep within the FCC narrowband requirement. There is information for OES radio frequencies <> as well. For radio frequency information on the entire state of California, please follow this link <> . The US Forest Service also has radio frequencies <> that are interstitial. To be able to successfully monitor these new interstitial frequencies, you need a radio that is capable of the 2.5kHz channel spacing. 5/6/2015
The Gold County Region of The American Red Cross conducted a multi-county shelter exercise on April 16th. ARES was to support communications. The planning documents that were used by ARES for this exercise are now posted and available for viewing. Comments and "Lessons Learned" have also been posted. 4/12/2015
The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Emergency Telecommunications Guide is now available for download from the IARU website. The guide was developed to provide the IARU member-societies with materials suitable for training radio amateurs to participate in emergencies. It also was designed to provide guidance to individual Amateur Radio operators with little or no experience in handling emergency communications but desire to enhance their ability to participate in such events or to simply have a better understanding of the process. ARRL has a link to this information. 3/13/2015
Placer County ARES Training
Saturday, February 28th starting at 0900 hrs, Placer County ARES sponsored a Training exercise designed to test our readiness and our on the air cababilities. We had a great turn-out starting with the initial call-out via EVERBRIDGE and ending with 13 involved units. The initial event was patterned to follow-up with SAC ARES on their training which involved a simulated earthquake centered in the Central Valley. Our exercise was a follow-up with the emergency caused by several after-shocks in our area which cut off conventional communications and Power through out the County. The training lasted approx 2 hours and ended at approx 1100 hrs. Many thanks to all who participated for their time and effort.
Fred Carey
Placer County ARES EC
KF7QVB 2/28/2015
Congratulations to the Sacramento Valley ARES groups!
In 2014, ECs reported 12,600 of volunteer hours.
Thank you to the ECs who submitted their monthly reports and to all of the dedicated ARES members for their work.
Fred D. Carey, KF7QVB, appointed as Placer County ARES Emergency Coordinator
Congratulations to Fred D. Carey, KF7QVB, who has been appointed as Placer County Emergency Coordinator. 2/9/2015
At 12 Noon PST, 3 February, C-SPAN will carry the award ceremony for the
surviving members of the Special Services Force, more commonly known as
the "Black Devils", when they receive the Congressional Gold Medal.
WB6KDZ, Stan McEtchin, a member of the Chico GEARS club will be among
the recipients. The award will take place in Washington D.C. at the
Expedition Hall.
Read House Speaker John Boehner's Remarks about the Devil’s Brigade.
There is a very nice interview on KNVN TV.
There are numerous YouTube videos regarding this most courageous group
of American and Canadian warriors. One is a 48 minute presentation well
worth your time. Just choose "The Black Devils--FULL SHOW--FIRST SPECIAL
On Saturday, 10 Jan 2015, at 10:00 am (1800 UTC) Placer County ARES conducted an HF communications test net on the 40 meter band (frequency 7214 kHz LSB) from Sutter Roseville Medical Center (SRMC) in Roseville, CA. The total time of the test was a little over one hour. The equipment used included an Alinco DX-SR8 transceiver and an MFJ-1788 “Magnetic Loop” antenna that was being tested. 22 radio operators checked in and exchanged signal reports from northern and southern California and Nevada. Read more information. 1/13/2015
DATE AND TIME OF TEST: Saturday, January 10, 2015, On Air starting at 1000 hours.
RADIO TEST FREQUENCY: Starting and staying at 7214 KHz (unless busy).
2m TESTING RESOURCE FREQUENCY: N6ICW (repeater) 147.195 + PL 123.0
READ more information on thei test
If you can hear the test net, but are not able to check in, please send an email to with your name, location, call sign, and signal report. 1/8/2015
On January 3, 2015 at Cosumnes Fire Training Facility, John KI6ZWW and Vince KI6NHP put on a basic Radio training class for area CERT groups. There were 55 people in attendance and were represented by CERT groups from Elk Grove, Folsom, West Sacramento, Metro Fire, and Sacramento City CERT. 1/6/2015
We have started a directory of information and links to the Mesh Networking project that Joe AG6QO has started. There is also a link to a Yahoo group for SacArea MeshNets that will allow you to get in on the discussion and fun. 12/21/2014
Daily Packet Net to test paths to Nevada
The Nevada NW Packet group runs a daily packet check-in net.
Each day they poll messages each morning to test their ability to get information in and out of the area. The tests let them know their paths are open and the systems are working.
You can join in on this daily packet net by sending a packet message to a full service BBS to KJ7UK@KJ6IX.#WNV.NV.USA.NOAM to get on the list. You will receive a packet message each day that you can just respond to, and if you have traffic add it to the message.
Here are some Full Service Packet BBS in Northern California:
BBS connect call Location User Frequency
* N6RME-1 Diamond Springs, covering the greater Sacramento area 145.09
* N0ARY-1 Mt. Umunhum (south of San Jose), covering the San Francisco Bay, Monterey Bay, and Gilroy area 145.09 433.371
* W6RAY-3 (SJVBBS) Park Ridge (east of Fresno), covering the South Central Valley 145.09 441.50
* WA6EWV-1 South Lake Tahoe 145.05
* AG6QO-1 Winters covering most of the western Sacramento valley 144.370 via node berr37
If you are using packet radio, this is a great way to test your equipment.
Forecasted Weather Conditions UPDATED: Wednesday, 10 Dec 5:02pm
- National Weather Service Forecast for Woodland, CA.
Amateur Radio Frequencies to monitor |
Sacramento ARES • W6AEX repeater 147.270 + PL 77.0 • Also N6ICW repeater 147.195 + PL 123 | Yolo County ARES * • KE6YUV repeater 146.970 - PL 123 • Backup: N6QDY repeater - 147.255, + PL 123.0 |
El Dorado County ARES / Skywarn and weather reports • 147.825 - pl 82.5 • Simplex: 146.550 if the repeater goes down. | NorCal Skywarn Net K6IS repeater 145.190 - PL 162.2 |
Yuba-Sutter ARES & SV Section Net • WD6AXM repeater 146.085 + PL 127. | - |
From Eric Kurth - NOAA:
Weather spotters,
If you are an amateur radio operator, please see the special event message below from our amateur radio program leader, Chris Hintz.
The 2014 SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) Event will be on Friday December 5 from 4 pm PST to 4 pm PST Saturday December 6. For those who are not familiar with the event, SKYWARN Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. SKYWARN Recognition Day serves to celebrate the contributions to public safety made by amateur radio operators during threatening weather. This is a great opportunity for you to test you or your club's ability to conduct emergency communications (think "Field Day"). The 24 hour event involves National Weather Service (NWS) offices exchanging weather information with as many hams as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meter bands plus the 70 centimeter band using SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW, and PSK31. Contacts via repeaters, Echo-link, and IRLP are also permitted. Over 100 NWS stations across the country are expected to take part in the event this year. Additional information about SRD, operating procedures, and participating offices can be found online at
At this point, we are looking to compile a list of people interested in participating. Please let myself or Eric Kurth KC0VZU ( know the following:
1. If you will be participating in this year's event, and if so, what time(s) will you be available?
2. Do you plan on setting up/using your own equipment or just available to operate or assist with other's setup?
3. What bands and modes are you interested in using?
4. Do you have equipment that you could provide for the event? (See note 1 below).
5. If you would like to use Echolink or IRLP and what nodes? (See note 2 below).
Note 1: To improve HF operations, we are looking for small amplifiers (120V) and/or small efficient directional antennas (.e.g. yagi) that could be easily setup. If you have these available or other ideas, please let us know.
Note 2: As in past years, the Echolink *WX_TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 system will be scheduling time for NWS offices in 1-2 hour time slots to act as net control to make contacts with weather spotters on the system. We are tentatively scheduled for the last hour of the event (3-4 pm Saturday). If you are interested in being our net control for this, please let us know.
For those who have participated in recent events, you are aware that we have operated our office HF and VHF radios from inside our conference room. We plan to do this again this year, however, we won't be operating it the full 24 hours. Proposed operation times for the conference room (subject to change) are currently from 4 pm to 10 pm Friday (Dec 5) and 7 am to 4 pm Saturday (Dec 6). We may again have space reserved in the caged parking area adjacent to our building if there are those who would like to setup their own stations and operate.
Feel free to forward this information to others you think may be interested. Thank you for taking the time to read this and reply back. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future and making this another great event.
Doug, N6NFF provided the following frequencies IN THE Sacramento area:
repeaters that have been used to frequent are:
147.195, 145.190, 145.250, 147.000, 147.060 and 146.52 (simplex). For hf,
persons should check the General Class portions of 80 through 10M including
the WARC bands.
Radio Operators needed for the California International Marathon
The 40th annual California International Marathon is Dec 7th and runs from Folsom to the Capital. Operators are need from 6:30 am until about 1:30 pm. Available openings are from Orangevale to Downtown. Contact Frank, N6SNO at 916-529-2396, or
The California International Marathon (CIM) web site: 11/13/2014
An updated list of the primary frequencies used by ARES groups in each county in the Sacramento Valley Section. 11/13/2014
Dan Edwards, KJ6WYW, appointed as Amador County ARES Emergency Coordinator
Congratulations to Dan Edwards, KJ6WYW, who has been appointed as Amador County Emergency Coordinator. 11/7/2014
Larry Trotter, KI6YUK, appointed as Plumas County ARES Emergency Coordinator
Congratulations to Larry Trotter, KI6YUK, who has been appointed as Plumas County ARES Emergency Coordinator. 11/7/2014
Sacramento County and members of Yolo County ARES participated in a flood exercise on Twitchell Island. Teams of radio operators were assigned to each of the exercise sites.
The exercise went very well for all. During the hotwash, the event coordinators were impressed with Amateur Radio Operators' performance. It was noted that ARES were the first to notice and call in a second levee boil in one location.
Photos from ICP:
Photos of the field operations from the Twitchell Island Levee exercise courtesy of Sharman Wood, Yolo County Office of Emergency Services and Eric Guenzler, KG6BZT, Sacramento County ARES. 10/22/2014
Several ARES groups in the Sacramento Valley section joined millions of Californians in the Great California Shakeout earthquake drill on October 16, 2014 that started at 10:16 AM.
Both Nevada County ARES, Sacramento County, and Yolo County ARES have posted their exercise plans with times for nets.
Yolo County ARES also posted their log sheets and recordings of the exercise.
Remember in an earthquake, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD ON. 10/15/2014
If shelter communications are needed, monitor:
W6EK 145.430 - 162.2 (Placer ARES)
N6ICW 147.195 + 123 (Sacramento ARES)
Boadcastify Live Audio Feed:
King Fire - Pollock Pines, Info and link to Audio feed
Current fire information
Audio Feed from Broadcastify
Status: Dedicated El Dorado County feed for the AEU/ENF -- KING -- fire. Also includes EDSO / OES evacuation operations for locals. 9/15/2014
FEMA has put out a "digital toolkit" that is full of family preparedness information including a 4-week plan that will assist you in putting together a complete preparedness plan.
View the FEMA digital toolkit. 8/28/2014
It is most important that each of your ARES members properly signup up for the Everbridge Alert system. Find out how you can get registered with Everbridge.
Sacramento, Placer and Yolo Counties Sign up page/ 8/26/2014
Saturday September 5th to the 9th is the first Tahoe 200 race around the entire Tahoe Rim Trail.
If you want to help with emergency communications for this event please contact, Bob Miller at or 775 843-5952.
More details on the Event Calendar 8/15/2014
Web site Issues
The ISP that is hosting has moved the site to a new modern server. This has caused some issues with some of the database connections.
I will be working to get these problems fixed in the next few days.
Greg, KG6SJT 8/14/2014
The Department of Homeland security has released a new version of the National Interoperability Field Guide.
The NIFOG can be downloaded at:
An index of tools and documents is available:
The Public Safety Library site that has links to an Adroid and Apple mobile OS apps that lets you download and manage documents. 8/1/2014
The following link has a lot of good information on how to understand what is happening on a major Cal Fire incident.
Be sure to follow the links contained on the page:
Incident Command System <>
Communications on Major Fire<>
Parts of a Major Fire <> ,
Strike Teams <>
ARES ECs have the ability to enter the monthly FSD-212 report on-line.
CLick to enter your FSD-212 Report 7/28/2014
The San Fire is located east of Highway 49, at the Amador/El Dorado county line, 5 miles north of Plymouth. Fire has spotted and is burning on both sides of the Middle Fork Cosumnes River.
Current information:
This link is update often .
You can listen in to the radio traffic:
Command channel is 151.265 MHz.
Monitor on the web: 7/27/2014
Homeless Veterans Stand Down
Dan Wise has been asked to secure HAM operators for the "Homeless Veterans Stand Down", here in Sacramento, at Mather Field. It is a two day event, (Friday) 9-12-14, 0600 to 1700 and (Saturday) 9-13-14, 0700 to 1700; note: Sunday is dismissal of Vets. and tear down of the camp.
Our task is to provide communication between five lacations at the camp. Therefore, I am looking for five (5) HAMs that can work this event. Preferablly the same five for both days, but I will take what ever I can get. Males and or females, all over the age of 18, with a current HAM license. The communication will be done on 2M simplex (a working ht is required, as well as pencil and paper). Lunch will be provider as well as all the water you can consume.
This is, as with all our events, a volunteer gig. We are here to help Vets and only Vets. Last year there were about 325 Vets going through the Sacramento Stand Down - some from WW II, Korea, Viet Nam, and lots from the Middle East conflict. Help is needed, as HAMs we can help.
Thank You
Dan Wise
KE6IUZ #36
c-phone: 916-743-5347 7/23/2014
There is concern by many amateur radio operators regarding the proposed
rule change RM-11708. The proposal by the ARRL will allow the CW/Data areas of the HF bands to be used for 2.8 MHz wide full power unlimited baud rate data transmissions. Some of these transmissions will come from automated stations.
Read the Filing by ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio in RM-11708 on 11/15/2013
RM-11708 FAQ - ARRL
Why did the ARRL think the petition to eliminate regulation by symbol rate was needed? and more.
A letter from Eric Guenzler, KG6BZT with information about this proposed rule change and how it could affect the CW/Data portion of the HF bands.
File a comment with the FCC. 7/4/2014
ARES ECs have the ability to enter the monthly FSD-212 report on-line.
CLick to enter your FSD-212 Report 7/3/2014
Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run Could use Operators June 28-29
The WSER needs a few extra communications points filled. If you can help for even a part of a day it will make a big difference.
Here is copy from Ralph Lucas who is Communications Coordinator.
Contact Ralph directly to set up and coordinate where you will be helping.
Request from WSER for help:
I do have several locations and NCS that could use added help:
- Fords Bar. It will take an ATV or walking to get access.
- Cal2
- No Hands Bridge
- Green Gate
Thank you,
Ralph Lucas, W6RWL
Communications Coordinator
408-640-0963 6/24/2014
Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event – and ALL about FUN!
Come and join us!
Find a field Day near you!
Slides and After Action Reports from the CAL OES Mass Care Drought and Fire Summit May 1, 2014 5/3/2014
An email from George Boswell, K7YHB, who worked the Oso Landslide as ARES a team member. He has written some "lessons learned" That we can all take to heart. 4/30/2014
A Calendar of Events has been added to the web site to allow viewing of amateur ARES and club radio events in in Sacramento Valley Section.
Are you looking for amateur radio events where you could volunteer?
Events were the coordinators are looking for extra radio operators to help out will be listed with a "+" in the event title.
If your radio group would like to add an event to the calendar go to:
Suggest an event to add. 4/6/2014
During the Regional ARES exercise in March, the value of using packet for sending information digitally was appreciated. Although several digital programs such as FLdigi and Winlink can send form data digitally, it is cumbersome with a packet program such as Outpost Packet Manager.
The Outpost Packet Manager has been embraced by many ARES groups in the US for digital packet messaging. In a project to make it easy to send and work with form data from FLmsg, a form manager design to work with FLdigi, we have created step by step instructions to enable the use of FLmsg forms to send form data with Outpost to a PBBS or a full service BBS, and when form data is received in a message in Outpost, to recreate the original form.
Documentation for using FLmsg and Outpost usage and well as a web based tool to create a custom Outpost Script that will work with your packet setup. 3/27/2014
ARES Multi-County Regional Exercise
On March 15th, Placer County ARES will initiate an ARES Multi-county Exercise. The exercise will involve Placer County ARES requesting Mutual Assistance.
A call-out of Placer ARES will be made as well as notification of Sacramento Valley ARES District Emergency coordinator (DEC). Each DEC will contact their county Emergency Coordinators who in turn will exercise their call-out plans and determine how many ARES members could possible respond to the call for mutual assistance. This information will be relayed to Placer County ARES on the W6EK repeater 145.430 negative PL: 162.2. A HF net will also be established on 7220 khz LSB.
Packet Operations during the regional ARES Exercise March 15th
During the Regional ARES exercise, packet messages/updates may be sent to station WU6X.
For more information contact:
Charles Minton, KG6FFK, 530-830-2485,
John Staples, KI6ZWW, 916-612-8354 (c), 3/12/2014
Sending Packet Messages for Placer Exercise Saturday March 15th
Using packet radio to send messages During the Placer county ARES exercise on Saturday, March 15th.
Dennis, WU6X, has decided that packet messages regarding the exercise will be send on 145.050.
You can address your messages to "WU6X" on the mailbox "ARES"
On 145.050, Connect to "ARES" via the node "KBERR". If you can't connect to KBERR directly, you can connect to another node on 145.050 and then connect to KBERR then connect to ARES.
A map of local nodes is available here:
Sample connection using a terminal program on 145.050:
> c kberr
> cmd:*** CONNECTED to KBERR
> KBERR is the KaNode in the BERRY TNC
> ENTER COMMAND: B,C,J,N, or Help ?
> c ares
> [KPC3P-9.1-HM$]
> Welcome to the Yolo County ARES BBS
> ENTER COMMAND: B,J,K,L,R,S, or Help >
> s wu6x
> SUBJECT: exercise message
> this is a sample message
> Greg, kg6sjt
> /ex
> ENTER COMMAND: B,J,K,L,R,S, or Help >
> b
> cmd:
Butte County ARES EC, Scott Petersen, KE6VUS, has added photos of the Emcomm van he put together. 2/7/2014
New Butte County Emergency Coordinator
Congratulations to Scott Petersen, KE6VUS, who has been appointed as Butte Emergency Coordinator.
Scott has added photos of the Emcomm van he put together.
The January 25, 2014 Sacramento Valley ARES Leadership held a meeting on January 25 in Auburn. ARES ECs and leaders from Nevada, Sacramento, Yuba-Sutter, Placer, and Yolo- Colusa counties attended.
Items discussed included the web site, call out procedures, portable power ideas, The upcoming PLACER MCI event, a backpack frame for radio equipment, and ideas for working together on regional exercises. 1/27/2014
Sacramento Valley Regional ARES EC meeting January 25
A meeting of Sacramento Valley ECs is scheduled for January 25, 2014.
Canyon View Community Center, Foothill Room.
471 Maidu Dr.
Auburn, CA
For more information contact John, KI6ZWW, 1/21/2014
A page has been added to the web site with information for reporting bugs, problems or making suggestions.
The page also displays a change log with bugs fixed and new additions to web site. You can get to this page from the "Home" button on the menu bar.
The California International Marathon in Sacramento on December 8, 2013 dreq more than 9,000 runners. The runners and the 24 amateur radio operators supporting this event braved low 30 degree temperatures. Net Control for the amateur radio operators was located in a fire department trailer. Frank, N6SNO, John, KI6ZWW, Chuck, W6AQM, Computer operations, and Andrea, KI6VGK operated as net control operators. Kaiser Medical personnel, AMR dispatch, and a race official were also located in the trailer. Vince, KI6NHP, submitted photos of a field station. 12/26/2013
Sacramento County ARES Meeting January 11, 2014
Sacramento County ARES will have a meeting on Saturday January 11 at 9am, at the Sheriffs Sub-Station. The Sheriffs Sub-Station is located at the corner of 65th ST and Florin Rd., behind the Burlington Coat Factory.
Agenda items include:
- where we've been and where we're going in 2014
- demo of our web site
- a question period
We will wrap up at noon. 12/23/2013
Sacramento Valley Regional ARES EC meeting January 25
A meeting of Sacramento Valley ECs is scheduled for January 25, 2014. Details will be posted soon. For more information contact John, KI6ZWW, 12/7/2013
Posted by Ron Murdock ARRL Sacramento Valley Section Manager
A message from Mike Corey, KI1U, at ARRL HQ, regarding disaster support communications to and from the Philippines in the wake of the terrible storm damage they've suffered. "At this point we haven’t been receiving a lot of requests out of the Philippines, but we are on standby for any traffic that may be directed to the US. ARRL HQ has been in regular email contact with PARA (their national association) and getting updates. The key thing right now is to get health and welfare messages routed into the Red Cross Safe and Well website or Google People Finder as quick as possible. Here are the links to both sites: Safe and Well -
Google People Finder -
Also keep in mind this storm goes by two names, Haiyan and Yolanda. Please share this with your SEC’s and traffic folks. 11/12/2013
Recordings of the 9:00AM and the 11:AM ARES nets on the N6ICW 147.195 for check in to the Oregon Set. Net control was John, KI6ZWW, Sacramento ARES EC. We also have a recording of an ICS-213 message, and Michael, KI6UJX, posted a PDF with the message in an ICS-213 form.
View the Oregon SET Files 11/2/2013
California International Marathon- Radio Operators Needed
The California International marathon will be held on December 8th. We will need 30 amateur radio operators.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact Frank, N6SNO,, 916-529-2396
Or John, KI6ZWW,, 916-612-8354.
The race assignments start at from 6:30 for the starting locations and other assignments generally end by 1:00pm. If you have never worked a foot race before, you can be paired with an experienced operator to help you get familiar with this type of race.
If you have several hours of time to help out, it would be appreciated.
Great California Shakeout October 17, 2013
The Great California Shakeout occured October 17, 2013. This was a great opportunity for ARES groups to exercise their emergency plans. As plans are receive from ARES groups participating, they will be posted in the Documents section under training. If you have plans or any documents to share, please send them to 10/22/2013
Welcome to the Sacramento Valley ARES web site
This web site for Sacramento Valley ARES groups, is a place for ARES groups to share information. It is under development. As we collect material and information, more features will be come active and features added. 10/22/2013